Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Paul Burrough was the happiest , as his was the only fish caught in his section , resulting in him scooping the same cash as the winner .
2 Then Bernard suggested taking part himself , an idea which was vetoed however , as his was not the name associated with the company .
3 She believed she lay before him as golden-white as he , the amber budded on her breasts , the fleece of her groin indigo-black , dosed and secretive as his was not .
4 Her life was as important to her as his was to him .
5 She stared into fitzAlan 's hard , relentless eyes , and behind her fear that tiny flicker of resentment flared into sudden blazing life with the force of a rage as hot as his was cold .
6 Then , serious again , he continued soberly , ‘ Anyway , as I wuz sayin' , I do n't think we 've anythin' to worry about as far as this Angel One fella 's concerned .
7 He finds himself ‘ considering the idea of flight ’ , and the idea of defeat : ‘ 1 suppose that , thinking of my own harassment and Raymond 's defeat , I had begun to consider Yvette a defeated person as well , trapped in the town , as sick of herself and the wasting asset of her body as I was sick of myself and my anxieties . ’
8 They could not be let into it , but there was a duty to entertain them , and , as I was told , not to stare .
9 Charles wanted his protégé in and as I was the resident ( and unpopular ) Baroque sculpture specialist , I happened to be in the way .
10 It was a book of photographs of London between the wars — a slightly tactless gesture as I was only eleven when World War Two was declared , but the sentiments were , I sensed , sincere , so I was touched by their kindness .
11 If you have already thought up a sensible solution to my problems , that puts you one up on me as I was then , because I was completely flummoxed by the whole thing .
12 It took courage to do this as I was fearful the ants might swarm over the spade and run all the way up the handle to my hands .
13 I found myself lying to her , although my lies seemed to me to represent the truth as soon as I was out of Aisha 's house .
14 It 's a long day out , but a most rewarding one , as I was to discover .
15 As I was blind , it was arranged for me to stay at the organiser 's house .
16 Contacts : yes , these , as I was to discover , were of prime importance : they were part of the game .
17 He was probably just as shit scared as I was .
18 I soon forgot about the heavy object as I was finding it very difficult to keep awake .
19 The man standing behind her spoke as I was turning to walk away .
20 As I was leaving the house Pat shouted after me , ‘ Piper , your friend Taff who shares the trench with you in the orchard has been transferred to one of the Commando units around the village .
21 As I was leaving the front of the house two jeeps arrived with wounded aboard , one of whom I recognised straight away .
22 I could feel the blast on my back as I was pitched forward , landing face down on the ground unable to move and gasping for breath .
23 One evening as I was walking through the village , I heard a voice coming from the gable end of a cottage , ‘ Bonsoir , Monsieur .
24 I realised that they were all as shit-scared as I was and were content to stay where they were .
25 As I was ushered into Mark Shand 's spacious flat in South Kensington I saw lying on the living table a book called Living Dangerously .
26 Right to the centre , as I was about to cross pall Mall .
27 Whilst I saw myself as the hero 's faithful sidekick got up as I was in cowboy gloves with real leather fringes , two guns in holsters buckled on and tied around the leg for fast draws , ten gallon hat and waistcoat , Skippy insisted that I be the daughter of the murdered rancher whose cattle were being rustled .
28 As I was swept along by the noisy laughing crowd out into the tropical evening I persistently wanted to know what had happened to the dog .
29 As far as I was concerned it was a nightmare , and merged in my memory with actually being evacuated ; the kids going down to Ladywell station in a crocodile on one side of the road , clutching oranges and bars of chocolate , and the mothers on the other , weeping and wailing and shouting to us across the street , lots of dwarfs and lots of Snow Whites .
30 The wild bunch were giggling helplessly as I was escorted , proud and unprotesting , to the exit .
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