Example sentences of "as [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What we do not know passionately , offers us no resistance , we pass through it as through air .
2 We learn about ourselves by making mistakes , as well as through success ; we learn nothing by staying in a rut .
3 The thought of Dostoevsky fostering , however stealthily , his dearest values , through Stepan on beauty , as through Shatov on new life , must be entertained in the context of the journalistic piece on Dobrolyubov :
4 City of London police said that partial closures meant Leadenhall Street and Cornhill were open to vehicles for access only and not used as through routes .
5 As through water , he saw
6 Me , as through yards of water , that up there ,
7 If there are problems with illiterate families or reluctant parents , their difficulties can be tackled not so much through decisions about resource and direction as through guidance and persuasion .
8 So although no route can more truly be called a " beaten track " than the one which heads for the Gotthard Pass , now that the old Gotthard road has been supplanted so far as through traffic is concerned by the Basel-Chiasso motor expressway ( E9 , N2 ) , many towns and villages on the old road can be rated as " off the beaten track " .
9 It may well become obvious that more can be gained from tiny hooks and tiny fish than using more orthodox tackle and regarding undersize fish as as nuisance .
10 This suggests that what Mill may have meant in saying that one pleasure is of higher quality than another is that it may be pleasanter without there being a quantifiable relation between them , in terms of which there must be some amount of the second which is as worth while , in hedonic terms , as the first .
11 Yet education is very much the sort of thing you might expect Moore 's principles to display as worth while in its own right rather than merely as a means to , or even component of , other things .
12 The only returners that some companies regard as worth training are young high-flyers coming back from maternity leave ; it wo n't hurt to shake them up a little .
13 Two days later he actually came , an oldish man , at least sixty , and valued two of the cabinets as worth £500 apiece .
14 Whenever — as off Alaska recently , or off Brittany in 1978 , or at Chernobyl , or at Bhopal — complacency leads to catastrophe , the immediate reaction is the same : ban the trade-offs .
15 Writing this gain as off load and on load and representing the fedback signal current as because the feedback fraction has conductance dimensions , the situation is as depicted in figure 10.8(c) .
16 Within each industry group high labour costs were associated with multi-employer bargaining , although as between industries no such relationship between labour costs and bargaining level was apparent .
17 As between youngsters of the same ability , there is better assurance of reasonable success in the solicitors ' branch .
18 By wedding perception with symbols the visionary leader creates a vision , and the vision , by evoking an emotional response , forms a bridge between leader and follower as well as between idea and action .
19 These constructions are the stuff of James 's psychological elaboration , since he is concerned not so much with the relation between persons and persons , or between persons and things , as between persons and psychological states and events .
20 This is not to say that a statute might not assign the relative meaning of ‘ if X , ’ as between courts and tribunals , differently in diverse areas .
21 Association bargaining could prove a means of enhancing market control in labour-intensive industries since wages could be taken out of competition as between employers themselves .
22 Moreover , research in this context has demonstrated the existence of misleading stereotypes of the abilities of black workers , with images that are often contradictory as between employers , and which reflect a willingness to generalize about ethnic characteristic on the basis of very limited experience ( Lee and Wrench , 1983 ; Jenkins , 1986 ) .
23 These extreme examples highlight the ludicrousness of trying to draw together the physical traits of black people when it is clear that there exist as many differences between individual blacks as between blacks and non-blacks .
24 It appears that the effect of marking to the market with stochastic interest rates is generally rather small , can vary as between futures ( depending on the sensitivity of their price to movements in interest rates ) and may also vary over time for the same future .
25 The best protection against such unwanted intrusion is a code of manners as between strangers , and one that can be breached only by mutual consent .
26 If the organization 's strategy has been worked out in a thorough and collaborative way , there should exist a mutual understanding of roles as between departments .
27 The aim of the NAS project is to enable communication between different DEC machines as well as between DEC kit and other manufacturer 's boxes .
28 Both masked raiders were described as between 5ft 5in and 5ft 6in tall .
29 Er just a points er I think it it you probably had this point clear in your mind anyway but there are different rules that apply as between West Yorkshire and Cleveland .
30 As with licensing , the position has now altered , though the content and indeed application of natural justice or fairness will vary as between areas .
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