Example sentences of "as [verb] an " in BNC.

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1 As well as suggesting an autumn boost for the tourism industry , the group also proposed changes at the beginning of the season by introducing a fixed-date Easter holiday .
2 Held , allowing the appeal and substituting a period of postponement not to exceed six months ( Sir George Waller dissenting ) , that for the purposes of making an order for sale in favour of a trustee in bankruptcy under s. 30 of the Law of Property Act 1925 no distinction was to be made between a case where a property was being enjoyed as the matrimonial home and one where it had ceased to be so used ; that where a spouse , having a beneficial interest in such property , had become bankrupt , the interests of the creditors would usually prevail over the interests of the other spouse and a sale of the property ordered within a short period ; that only in exceptional circumstances , more than the ordinary consequences of debt and improvidence , could the interests of the other spouse prevail so as to enable an order for sale to be postponed for a substantial period ; and that , accordingly , since the circumstances of the wives and their children , albeit distressing , were not exceptional , the order sought by the trustee should be made .
3 described recklessness in this context as encompassing an attitude of ‘ indifference to the victim 's feelings and wishes , ’ a state of mind ‘ described in the colloquial expression , ‘ could n't care less ’ . ’
4 Satisfactory tenants would at least keep the house warm and protected , as well as producing an income that would go a long way to meeting your expenses .
5 Plainly , short-term interest rates are not market-determined in the usual sense in which textbooks present markets as producing an equilibrium price and quantity .
6 Clearly we are meant by the storyteller to understand the long trumpet blast on the seventh day of the siege of Jericho as heralding an appearance of God to his people rivalling the great theophany of Sinai .
7 There 's nothing stopping you putting your own small ads in local papers and newsagents ' windows , as well as using an estate agent .
8 He also designed another epoch-making book , DIANE ARBUS ( 1972 ) , as well as pursuing an influential career as art director at HARPER 'S BAZAAR .
9 Even with the remaining difficulties , arbitration in the county court is certainly as accessible and free from technicality as pursuing an unfair dismissal claim before an industrial tribunal .
10 In order to retain political support , management has to address the preoccupations and objectives of the government as well as pursuing an internal managerial rationale .
11 During his time away , he has visited a potash mine , two dairy farms and attended a rodeo , as well as becoming an expert on 4H country fairs .
12 But I , like the judge , decline to regard that as justifying an inference that Mr. O'Brien was appointed the bank 's agent .
13 As a whole , this grand spectacle was a rare hit with what seemed to be as varied an audience as any opera company is likely to find these days .
14 The Jewish Christians had just as distorted an idea of God and by consequence had run into problems in their relationships with these brand-new non-Jewish converts .
15 In the case of the sentence above , the completing word was " cat " , but on other trials a poor completion such as " chair " was presented , so as to obtain an estimate of the effectiveness of the preceding context .
16 According to the Middle East Economic Digest of March 16 , however , the SPC authorized the government to revise the educational curriculum to include Islamic studies , as well as to establish an Islamic institute , publish a religious affairs magazine and expand religious coverage on radio and television .
17 An appeal against the original interdict has still to be heard , as has an allegation that the two shop stewards breached the order .
18 The fundamental question in these cases is whether the taking of a benefit by a person through his or her crime would be unconscionable as representing an unjust enrichment of that person .
19 NHS management officially described the Feb. 23 deal as representing an increase of 13.3 per cent over the full two-year period .
20 Sampaio , the PS secretary-general since 1989 , had presented the PS under his leadership as representing an alternative to the centre-right policies of the PSD in spite of the easy cohabitation of President Mário Soares , a former PS leader , with the PSD government .
21 The decision followed an announcement that the Danish team in the Winter Olympics would be wearing Greenland sealskin jackets , and it was seen in part as representing an effort to avoid any potential disruption of the games by Greenpeace demonstrators .
22 This is seen as representing an opportunity for the club to achieve its objectives and must be seriously considered .
23 When an act or omission involving fault which might otherwise be regarded as founding an action occurs , there must , in order for such act or omission to be regarded as negligent , be then and there in existence some legal person to sue or be sued .
24 At times , these images may be so powerful as to demand an immediate response .
25 It was agreed that it would be impossible to draft the title of the Bill in such a way as to exclude an amendment to abolish capital punishment , and that it would be unconvincing to argue that the inclusion in the Bill of a provision for the abolition of capital punishment would be inappropriate .
26 It was , said Stephen , as appalling an atrocity as you could find .
27 This look into the relatively near future highlights the importance of writing media releases in such a way as to catch an editor 's attention at once .
28 Visitors will witness the process of producing printed materials , including the production of artwork , planning and platemaking , single and multi-colour printing , guillotining and binding , as well as gaining an insight into management , administration and quality control .
29 The company says that as well as launching an Am486 using Intel microcode , it still plans to go ahead with its clean version , which is due to be available in June , and production will be increased during the second half .
30 In September 1989 , following a private conference , the Lord Justice was reported as launching an education programme for judges on sentencing and treatment of child sex abusers .
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