Example sentences of "as [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 This team is responsible for all text and graphic material as received from contributors or written in-house .
2 An interactive system enables users to interrogate the database and to supply information , as well as drawing from it .
3 This would seem very close to the ‘ bow-wow ’ theory of linguistic evolution , one of the theories much discussed in Eliot 's youth , which saw language as deriving from the imitation of natural sounds .
4 The problems discussed in this section are not necessarily separate from those outlined as deriving from the colonial model , indeed they frequently overlap .
5 But to see communicative significance as deriving from the phylogenetically arbitrary status of apine dance , as a solution to their co-ordination problem , is open to a serious objection .
6 Finally , inequality in political influence can normally be seen as deriving from either material advantage or high status , but it may be that political office may independently form the basis for gaining status and/or privileged life-chances .
7 He would never expressly suggest that one or two might go down , but would rather point to an accumulation of profits as deriving from several shares and not just one .
8 We shall describe such an approach as deriving from a text-as-product view .
9 Nationalism may also contain racial elements in so far as particular nations may be regarded as deriving from specific racial stocks ; and biologically defined communities may be regarded as the prime source of cultural characteristics .
10 Labov sees the methods of this research as deriving from two sources .
11 In Du Cubisme , this feature was discussed as deriving from Cézanne : ‘ He teaches us to understand a dynamism that is universal .
12 There is also the supplementary point that very commonly the " web-groups that are thus linked together treat their solidarity as deriving from common substance , in contrast to the alliances , which link " we " and " they " , which rest on obligations periodically expressed in gift-giving and services .
13 Thus Skocpol sees the state 's autonomy as deriving from the specific political functions that it performs .
14 The background music is tasteful , the footage of Hobbs , in particular , delectable , and such utterances as heard from Tom Barling , now 85 , touchingly in contrast to those of many latterday professionals .
15 There is no attempt to zoom in on solo instruments , and indeed not signs of unwelcome engineering anywhere ; one is left with the most natural impression of a fine concert as heard from about Row S.
16 The meaning of the to infinitive is thus in fact a combination of two potentials : the potential meaning of the bare infinitive , which gives the speaker the possibility of representing the realization of any action as unfolding from its beginning through to its end and any state as having a fully actualized lexical content ; and the potential significate of to , which affords the speaker the possibility of representing any movement in time from a before-position to an after-position ( corresponding here to the beginning of the infinitive event ) .
17 June 13 : T-28D Trojan VH-LAO/0–38320 badly damaged at Wangaratta , Victoria and registration subsequently cancelled as withdrawn from use .
18 The result of the above is that in one case costs are so high as to detract from its use , whereas the other positively attracts business .
19 Starlings and a wide range of plants from the Mediterranean ( some introduced for ornament , some escaping as weeds from agricultural crops ) have made deep inroads into the native animals and plants of North America .
20 It stood about a quarter of a mile from the house in a triple circle of beech trees , an isolated building so small and perfect that it looked like an architect 's model precisely set in a fabricated landscape , or an elegant ecclesiastical folly , justifying itself only by its classical purity , as distanced from religion as it was from life .
21 In our study , the combination of ranitidine and cisapride led to an increase of propagation velocity as calculated from the propagation of the pressure wave over the four sensors located 20 , 15 , 10 , and 5 cm above the lower oesophageal sphincter ( Table III ) .
22 Full-time undergraduate , postgraduate , diploma and certificate students are required to pay , prior to enrolment , a composite annual fee as prescribed from time to time by the Council of the University .
23 These terms and conditions ( as amended from time to time ‘ the Conditions ’ ) regulate the use of an Abbeylink Card ( ‘ your Card ’ ) and form the basis of a contract between the customer ( you ) and Abbey National plc ( us ) .
24 Perhaps no political argument could persuade American judges to reject the proposition that Congress must be elected in the manner prescribed by the Constitution , as amended from time to time in accordance with its own amending provisions .
25 In 1979 , James Anderton , the Christian moralist chief constable of Greater Manchester , described the greatest threat to law and order as stemming from ‘ seditionist … interested groups who do not have the well-being of this country at heart and who mean to undermine democracy ’ ( Thompson 1979 : 380 ) .
26 In December 1990 Bob Haboldt gave his rationale behind choosing a large gallery as stemming from the different approach of Continental buyers , who like to stroll in and look , as opposed to clients who tend to make an appointment to visit his New York gallery in order to see a specific work .
27 That perspective generally sees the UK 's international performance as stemming from its internal strengths and weaknesses .
28 Marx saw the most important divisions in any system of stratification as stemming from differences in the ownership of wealth , and specifically ownership of the means of production .
29 However , it would be quite mistaken to regard the conflict over farming and the environment as stemming from a ‘ breakdown of communications ’ , to use the fashionable cliché , because a direct conflict of interest is also involved .
30 But much of it has been regarded as stemming from forces eager to interfere with and undermine the free economy , shifting the locus of decision from the market place and into the political arena .
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