Example sentences of "as [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 Choose flowers that complement your outfit , as well as blooms that clash for a startling effect .
2 On this side of the Atlantic , they are seen in a different light , as ideologies that justify the playful eclecticism of democratic politics and free-market economics .
3 On the surface of the membrane are special receptors for signals from other cells , as well as molecules that enable cells to adhere to one another .
4 Whether or not we describe the three preceding ones as activities that fall under academic autonomy or academic freedom is a matter of judgement .
5 This was partly due to the development of improved building techniques but was also because — until , that is , the recent property crash — growing rental income and lowering yields encouraged developers and landlords to think of new offices as investments that would increase in value year on year .
6 Lakatos offers Marxism and Freudian psychology as programmes that satisfy the first criterion but do not satisfy the second , and modern sociology as a programme that perhaps satisfies the second but does not satisfy the first .
7 sshh , ooh if every body was as good as Victoria that would be wonderful , there 's a heap really , I should just sit somewhere else Bowen , Bowen , Bowen , move somewhere else will you cos they 're in a bit of a state there , alright , , if you 're in Mrs class
8 It was as architects rather than as builders that the Caroline bureaucrats bequeathed to liberalism this programme : their concrete achievements remained limited , but there is no practical reform of the nineteenth century , no reforming attitude of mind , that can not be traced back to one of the servants of Charles III .
9 The legends of St George and the Dragon , Apollo and Python , the Forces of Light overcoming the Forces of Darkness , Heaven and Hell and the innumerable analogies existing throughout the myths and philosophies of every civilization , all speak as metaphors that clearly illustrate this struggle towards spiritual awareness or ‘ evolution ’ in its correct context .
10 In the case of Le Cuisinier Anglais Universel ou Le Nec Plus Ultra de la Gourmandise there are some interesting metamorphoses , as well as signs that the translator was defeated by the names of some of our cherished specialities , among them le catchup and le browning ( " to even the most skilled of French cooks these sauces will be new " , says the publisher 's preface ) .
11 The SH2 domains function as adaptors that bind to specific tyrosine residues ( see above ) .
12 Joint applications will be shown preference , as well as projects that ‘ strengthen cooperation between basic and applied [ clinical ] research ’ .
13 The Department owes a great deal to Noel Thomas and it is a measure of his success as Chairman that when at the end of the 1989 academic year he handed over the hot seat to Angus Easson , the latter 's first task was one of consolidation .
14 For Naville , given his Marxist theoretical perspective , this visible autonomy sweeps aside the veil and reveals the nature of the existing patterns of hierarchical organisation in their true light — as patterns that are socially , and not technologically , determined .
15 The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A ( s.a. 785 ) records immediately after the appointment of Hygeberht as archbishop that Offa 's son , Ecgfrith , was consecrated king , by implication by Hygeberht .
16 The bombing was , she argued , intended to dislodge the Qaddafi regime in Libya-even though it was civilian property as much as air-bases that were bombed , with much loss of life amongst children and others .
17 ( So committed has Kandel been to reductionism as philosophy as well as methodology that he once gave a talk to an audience of psychiatrists with the theme of ‘ Psychotherapy and the single synapse ’ . )
18 The miners ' historian , Robin Page Arnot , in his book The Miners : Years of Struggle ( 1950 ) briefly but pertinently shared feminism 's concern with housework as labour that reproduces life and the capacity to labour .
19 The scientists affirm as dogma that all existing men are members of one biological species , Homo sapiens , and all arguments about the significance or non-significance of racial variation in men are conducted within the framework established by that prior assumption .
20 But there was something about them , maybe their mohair suits , maybe the hard men they imported from Glasgow or maybe their bonding as brothers that made them seem glamorous .
21 I was n't as convinced as Malpass that Nevil was out of harm 's way .
22 A week afterwards fascist youths instigated the so-called ‘ Mile End Road Pogrom ’ , when despite the presence of 2,000 special constables at a nearby communist victory rally , a gang of hooligans smashed windows of Jewish shops and houses and assaulted all those designated as Jews that they could lay their hands on .
23 In addition , the Catholic Church 's reaction to the recent IRA campaign — in particular the refusal to excommunicate convicted murderers and to condemn for mortal sin the hunger strikers who committed suicide — has been taken as confirmation that the Church does not really mind if other people exterminate Protestants .
24 But before you write that happy bulletin off as a well-timed election omen for the ‘ Greens ’ or as confirmation that jumping in general and Aintree in particular have ‘ gone soft ’ just pause and take another look at the background to last week 's events .
25 The political Greens took it as confirmation that industrial society was indeed not sustainable .
26 Please that this letter as confirmation that Oxford University Press will be settling their bills for room and breakfast .
27 Take what occurs around September 4th and 11th , when the Sun is brilliantly aspected by Neptune and Saturn , as confirmation that your main objective now must be to cut all the dead wood out of your life and really start afresh .
28 The Munich Agreement of 1938 was widely interpreted , not just in the USSR , as confirmation that the major capitalist powers intended to offer no serious resistance to Hitler provided he confined his territorial ambitions to the east .
29 Soviet observers interpreted the proclamation of the Nixon Doctrine as confirmation that the long-term American ambition was to create a larger military grouping embracing the entire region , and to employ ASEAN as a substitute military alliance .
30 The gains had been welcomed by the government as confirmation that its economic policies had received a good response from investors .
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