Example sentences of "had been right " in BNC.

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1 And he had been right .
2 Its existence demonstrated for Engels that Marx had been right in arguing that commonality was the oldest form of social existence .
3 It they had been right , matrilineal society would tend to have a lower level of technological development while patrilineal societies would have a higher level .
4 The speech sent shock waves through the medical profession , but the Prince had hit a nerve and , for all the criticism that was heaped on his head in the aftermath , the letters from the public told him he had been right .
5 Out of 100 Conservative ministers and backbenchers interviewed by the Independent , 77 thought the party had been right to get rid of Margaret Thatcher .
6 Albert Spanswick had been right on that and the hard men of his committee quite wrong .
7 True , they had not suited each other , but supposing the chemistry had been right , should such a relationship have been ruined by the wretched man-made social system ?
8 Lee had been right .
9 His gut feelings had been right .
10 Dot had been right all along and Mrs Parvis wrong when she 'd insisted that it was all over bar the shouting .
11 Jos had been right , Mungo thought .
12 Her gut instinct had been right : Zambia Crevecoeur had always meant trouble .
13 The relative lack of resonance of the boycott can only have indicated to Hitler that he had been right to keep a fairly low public profile on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ .
14 I thought he had been right , and that what happened to me on that oily beach was all I was fit for .
15 I had been right about one thing — an enormous procession of funeral guests was making its steady way into the riverside church .
16 Within a month Wilson saw with her own eyes that she had been right .
17 Mother Jacobsen had been right !
18 He had been right in his snap judgment — indeed an intelligent , educated individual .
19 Twenty years later Craig was still convinced that he had been right .
20 But he had been right .
21 The justices in the court below had been right to conclude that the police had ‘ reasonable grounds for believing that , if they were not present at the meeting , there would be seditious speeches and other incitements to violence and breaches of the peace would occur ’ .
22 He had hit Milward pretty hard , thought Henry , but he had been right to do so .
23 When the tent was up , I had to prove that I had been right about the proximity of a village .
24 When I left and went to teach in war-torn London , I knew I had been right to make the most of those precious two years .
25 Old Josh had been right , as always .
26 It seemed that the doctor 's hunch had been right : all these problems had been due to Candida .
27 But the apothecary had been right , and by morning Anna was almost like her old self , crying at last to be fed instead of turning her head away .
28 She had been right about Short ; the way to get him to listen was to treat him as if he were a human being , which he clearly was n't .
29 And , of course , he had been right .
30 Two hours later , Kelly sat on the scales , reflecting that Cy had been right .
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