Example sentences of "or [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This could be a real person , such as their schoolteacher , or a character from a nursery rhyme book , such as Humpty Dumpty , Little Boy Blue or Little Miss Muffet .
2 It seems unbelievable , as I have worn bi-focals , or latterly tri-focals , for at least 15 years .
3 In it I read and re-read the Greek myths and legends , consumed with a desire to understand the sexual exploits of the gods , capricious beings , sometimes part or wholly animal .
4 Environmental determinists are also numerous among the social commentators of the period : ‘ Wretched houses make wretched homes ; and while immoral or slatternly habits convert fine dwellings into styes , it is almost as true that dirty and unhealthy habitations transfer a taint to the character and habits of the persons who occupy them . ’
5 The relief of strain energy would thus be expected to be proportional to the square of the crack length , or rather depth , and in fact this rough guess is confirmed by calculation .
6 ( Confidingly ) Now for a handful of guilders I happen to have a private and uncut performance of the Rape of the Sabine Women — or rather woman , or rather Alfred — ( Over his shoulder ) Get your skirt on , Alfred — ( The BOY starts struggling into a female robe. ) … and for eight you can participate .
7 Much the same thing occurs in New Statesman & Society , but there is a significant shift here in that we begin to see cultural products ( or rather questions raised by them ) being discussed outside of the journal 's cultural space — in the editorials and in guest journalists ' comments .
8 When construction , or rather demolition began , thousands of people had to wend their way through the mud and debris to get from their homes in the south of the city to their work in the north or to the shops and market .
9 But Magilton missed , or rather Muggleton saved : it was that kind of game .
10 I am of course not concerned here with the reliability of the figures themselves but with their use , or rather non-use , by Polybius .
11 They , or rather Morrissey , thinks he 's all wise and a sort of father figure .
12 He knew darn well she , or rather Cara , was a journalist , Fabia thought crossly , all her vibes insisting that this man was the very same man she had come to interview .
13 A man who also honoured God , but more important than that he was a near kinsman of Ruth , or ra or rather Naomi rather , and there also of Ruth because of Ruth 's late husband .
14 Or rather Lazenby
15 Many corpses , or rather fossils of corpses , were found by the excavators in the ash .
16 Science , or rather scientists , no longer hold such a rigid view of the laws of nature .
17 The form that literary studies had taken during the second half of the nineteenth century , positivism , was , as we saw in the Introduction , largely based on the genetic approach ; critics , or rather scholars , concentrated their energies on uncovering the sources and genesis of particular works , and the role of biography , history and history of ideas in these genetic studies obviously reduced the importance of literature itself in literary scholarship .
18 That 's the way Fleet Street , or rather Wapping , is going .
19 Or rather Martina did .
20 The only problem with bank fishing is providing a steady stream of waders , or rather non-waders .
21 Then they half slithered , half rolled down the wide oaken stairway and found themselves shivering with fright in the moonlit hall ; or rather Sam and Rose found each other .
22 There may in this adoption of French terms be some covert assumption that postmodernist writing , like cooking — or rather cuisine — is something best left to the French .
23 The importance of the building for the history of sculpture lies in its superb frieze , or rather friezes , since the four sides have different subjects and show two distinct styles .
24 He told her that he was going to continue writing to her , nothing deterred by her cold reply or rather lack of a reply .
25 They are showing there is no substitute for experience and the only disappointment for Tranmere at the moment is the crowd , or rather lack of it .
26 The actual women themselves — or rather girls , for they seem mainly to have been under 18-who worked in these experimental offices , are not heard in the debate , silenced not so much by their sex perhaps , as by their mostly humble circumstances and extreme youth and inexperience .
27 With the Russian advance everywhere either stemmed or repulsed , the Central Powers ( or rather Germany , who was now obliged to sustain her flagging ally ) implemented earlier plans for massive drives eastward .
28 Whether Athenian involvement in Sicily and support of the Ionian , or rather non-Dorian , cities there was the cause of Syracusan expansion , or whether the Athenians were reacting in alarm to Syracusan aggressions against Athenian friends , is hard to say , so gappy is the narrative .
29 In the first place we believe that the argument put forward in the Obair Report about territorial justice ( or rather injustice ) has won widespread acceptance .
30 Made for television and to be shown at Easter , it is about Lawrence of Arabia , or rather Lawrence after Arabia , back from the desert and involved in the Allies ' post-war negotiations over the map of the Middle East .
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