Example sentences of "that [was/were] just " in BNC.

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1 That was just the news I was hoping for .
2 That was just one near miss , you both may not be so lucky next time ! ’
3 ‘ Having said of the poet in The Use of Poetry that ‘ I do not mean that he should meddle with the tasks of the theologian , the preacher , the economist , the sociologist or anybody else ’ , that was just what Eliot went on to do .
4 That was just a figure of speech , ’ said the doctor .
5 That was just how the circuit bosses liked things , believing that the best way to hold on to their audience was through ‘ family entertainment ’ , and arguing through the Cinematograph Exhibitors Association ( CEA ) that filmmakers should avoid treating themes and incidents that ‘ were offensive to the reasonable taste and standards of those whose patronage was necessary to the health and future of the industry . ’
6 That was just after the war , 1949 , and I was passionately interested in all the political movements . ’
7 That was just plain bloody-minded of you . ’
8 The army said that , in three days , it had killed 27 people ; diplomats said that well over 100 had died , and that was just in the capital , Bamako .
9 If as a captain he was not authoritarian enough , that was just not his style ; given opposition that were not vastly superior he could lead a team well enough , and chalked up two notable series wins against India and Australia .
10 The hand-claps sometimes seemed to be keeping time with my leisurely steps as I wandered under the arcades in the hot night , but that was just a coincidence .
11 But to be fair that was just the gourmets .
12 The Empire might have become the Commonwealth , but that was just a new name for the same thing as far as we were concerned .
13 That was just kidding .
14 That was just one of many ironies relished yesterday by Americans who had learned to loathe Mrs Helmsley for her ‘ only the little people pay taxes ’ remark , her greed , and her notorious arrogance .
15 Garbo , Garland , Gardner , Garson and Gable were there — and that was just the Gs — but the old grey Mayer was n't what he used to be , and he had been ousted from MGM by the time Nicholson arrived as a messenger boy .
16 But let me say here that that was just how it looked to me at the time ; that there was a nice logic to it , that Boy 's beginning matched O 's ending , that Boy 's first night was O's last , or it certainly would have been his last if Boy had not fallen into his arms .
17 ‘ Specifically the first time ‘ You Spin Me Round ’ was on Top Of The Pops … that was just barbaric , it was demonic .
18 That was just how it was after that magical 68 in the second round .
19 That was just the opposite of Roux 's result and was the first clear demonstration of the process known as regulation : the ability of the embryo to develop normally even when some portions are removed or rearranged .
20 But that was just a full-dress rehearsal .
21 Shaun used to want to argue about essentially trivial things like whether we should appear on Top Of The Pops — and that was just after the first single .
22 It so happened that it turned out a good thing that it did n't get posted , but that was just a lucky chance .
23 That was just what I had been doing for the past four months innocent of impending restrictions .
24 But if he got away , that was just too bad for you .
25 It was true ; that was just the way it happened .
26 That was just parent-speak !
27 That was just about the only redeeming feature of that winter because it formed a kind of bridge which made walking up to the road a lot easier .
28 But maybe that was just how it was meant to sound .
29 It was n't actually called Blood Rock , that was just their private name for it , because it was there that Jed made his confession .
30 But that was just another trick they had , like being an orphan .
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