Example sentences of "had set [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 I set off from Beirut for Jerusalem in the late autumn of 1980 ; and the moment I entered Rafi Horowitz 's office in Jerusalem , I realised that I had set myself no easy assignment .
2 It was the fulfilment of another personal goal I had set myself .
3 There is no space to detail further the model that I used to pursue the problem that I had set myself .
4 They had set themselves a pace that could not survive 90 minutes and , sure enough , began to sag .
5 It was perhaps precisely because both sovereigns were well aware of the criticisms which might be made of their Court that in order to fulfil their public roles in accordance with the aims which they had set themselves , they worked to make of it a thing of great splendour .
6 The British view that membership of the EEC was in essence about trade persisted through the signing in 1986 of the Single European Act , though in this case even the main text that was agreed ranged rather wider than the limits that the British had set themselves .
7 In this area a number of small clothing-manufacturers had set themselves up since the war , migrating out from the East End of London .
8 In retirement he had set himself the task of making a replica Tomkin long-case clock .
9 During his first term in office Macmillan had achieved the three objectives that he had set himself when he took over from Eden in 1957 .
10 MR MAJOR said last night that he had only just begun the tasks he had set himself .
11 He , surprisingly enough , was comparatively sober , which means he was drunk by any ordinary standards , but by the very gauge he had set himself over the years , he might be called a pillar of sobriety — and grumpy with it .
12 Courtney had set himself up as a pioneer working with women victims of sex abuse , drug addiction and Aids problems .
13 In preparing for his reconnaissance of Rhodes , the Commander had set himself an exacting routine of training , with long-distance swimming and other exercises hardening his physical endurance : habits of training his men would later find exhausting almost to the point of mutiny .
14 In that work Tolkien had set himself to write a romance for an audience brought up on novels .
15 He had told himself that his name was Michael Holly , he had set himself that challenge .
16 Ten years , he had set himself , to running a Field Office .
17 Thanks to whoever it was , Baldwin by the spring of 1924 was making surprisingly good progress toward the political objectives which he had set himself the previous autumn .
18 In effect it provided for the dismemberment of Abyssinia and the giving to Mussolini of about half of what he had set himself to achieve by conquest .
19 Peirce had set himself the task of methodically classifying , and looking for applications of , the n-dimensional systems for all
20 It is evident that the deputy head soon realised that he had set himself an enormous task , despite the fact that he decided to focus on the work of three ‘ target ’ pupils .
21 In addition , although the deputy head was clearly exhausted by the enormity of the task he had set himself , he had found the experience sufficiently valuable to recommend that all teachers should extend their understanding of curriculum evaluation and develop skills in addition to the testing of pupil outcomes .
22 Given the very high target he had set himself , he managed to achieve most of his objectives , conveying to the audience the complexity of his subject , and the reasons for its interest .
23 The dapper , 52-year-old economist with his trademark owlish glasses had set himself up as a beacon of the reform movement as long ago as April 1991 when he led his party out of government .
24 Glamorous food was a challenge she had set herself and won .
25 She was watching him intently , as if to solve some riddle she had set herself .
26 The bell for Compline rang , the time she had set herself for hounding him out at the wicket , into a world he was , perhaps , already beginning to regret surrendering , but which he might have found none too hospitable to a runaway Benedictine novice .
27 When the taxi emerged from a tunnel beneath the East River amidst Manhattan 's towering walls of glass , she suddenly felt unequal to the task she had set herself .
28 Charlotte 's response to her discovery had been so instinctive , and the action it had prompted her to take so urgent , that it was not until late afternoon , aboard a train drawing ever closer to Paris , that she began to consider the difficulties and possible consequences of the task she had set herself .
29 With an empire of such a size , it was a difficult but not impossible task she had set herself .
30 One way or the other , the task she had set herself was not going to be easy !
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