Example sentences of "had long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In my day we had long skirts , near came right down to the ground . ’
2 The brontosaurs had long necks ( lower picture ) that enabled them to reach the high-growing conifers prevalent in the Jurassic .
3 The first probably had long snouts and are thought to have been the ancestors of the lemurs , now only found in Madagascar , and of the lorises that today live in the forests of the Far East .
4 Blocks appeared to be particularly useful for part-time farmers who had long holidays ( teachers , lecturers ) or for family farmers who had no cereal crops and could therefore fit in three or four days in the autumn .
5 The Board had long debates about whether the content of degrees in the areas should be for or in librarianship , what the academic content of study should be , and what career opportunities would be open to students if they were not subject graduates .
6 The smelt mills had long flues that in some cases snaked up the hillside and across the fell .
7 Claire said , ‘ I wish I had long hair .
8 I had long hair , then my mum cut it off and it was really short , so I think everyone thought I was a boy anyway .
9 Before the show some of us crowded into the tiny lighting box as Pyke , in his denim dungarees and white T-shirt — he still had long hair — took his seat .
10 Big brother was happy with any group that had long hair .
11 Each had long hair which flowed in a golden mane down her back ; and despite the difference in age , they were of similar height .
12 Every single guy I saw had torn jeans and docs and they all had long hair .
13 They had long hair and said they knew Jack Kerouac .
14 He had long hair , a square collar of white lace at the neck , and two white bands .
15 She had long hair , and a short-skirt , but she did n't fit in , she was a mum .
16 ‘ No regular soldier I ever knew wore cross bandoleers , or had long hair held back by a headband .
17 The girl with the cat had long hair , too , Louise remembered , but it was worn loose .
18 It is all so silly , and I would n't take him so seriously if it was n't for the fact that five years ago he had an affair and , yes , she had long hair .
19 I had a friend who had long hair and she , she let it grow right the way through .
20 We had long talks together , usually over breakfasts of pancakes with maple syrup .
21 I have phoned Sarah many times and had long talks with her about the welfare of goats .
22 ’ . Initially I was puzzled , until I realized he thought I had cut off my shirt sleeves , for in his force ( noted for its disciplined enforcement of a correct uniform presentation ) , all uniform shirts had long sleeves .
23 It had long sleeves ; a tightness above imprisoned her neck with its white linen collar .
24 They made their own amusements , and she learnt to knit and they had long winter nights round the fire o and they used to go She used to call it , we used to go after day set , that she called evening .
25 Lesbianism held no terrors for the Major , who had long experience of the women 's services .
26 Nevertheless , the basic directions of economic reform are rather similar to Hungary , though the initial position is quite different , in that Yugoslavia already had long experience of worker-managed firms as well as a high degree of monetary mismanagement ( including a spell of hyperinflation ) resulting from inability of the country 's federal structure to impose monetary discipline .
27 A Braemar vet , Ian Watt , said that he had long experience of co-operating with farmers and commented : ‘ Many years ago , I was involved with the MacRobert Trust on a consultancy basis .
28 Though in the end his rights prevailed , the dispute had long repercussions on his control over the counts and castellans of the demesne .
29 That was a story Hopper liked to tell , to demonstrate how they were all good friends who were creating a new style of acting ; later , when Nicholson arrived , they had long discussions about this era and the influences it had on all of them .
30 There was one girl called Clara whom she used to meet in the lower corridor an hour before classes began : they had long discussions about Tolstoy , Maeterlinck and Ibsen , and were suspected of immorality .
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