Example sentences of "had think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But if Mr Menzies had thought of this he must have been keeping it for another Sunday .
2 Jack often thought he was n't quick enough to match Charlie 's easy repartee , but now he had thought of something that would make his friend smile .
3 He had thought of experimenting with three different subjects — maths , foreign languages and chess — but his financial circumstances in those days did not make it possible .
4 Nigel could be quite persistent when he had thought of something to make Gina miserable .
5 When he was a child Nigel had thought of peeing as sex .
6 ‘ I do n't think he 's on this wavelength , ’ she said , ‘ I had thought of having a holiday in one of the Martello towers if I do n't see him soon . ’
7 Thoth interrupted his stream of self-justification with the sentiment that it agreed the eigen state theory was possible and then humorously pointed out that simply because Ewan had thought of it , it was infinitely more possible .
8 Yesterday he had thought of himself as a character in an obscene novel .
9 They saw better and I had more space to work in ; but no-one had thought of it before .
10 Once , she had thought of herself as so English that however happy she was abroad and even if married to an Italian she would always one day gravitate home .
11 Another time I shall talk about taxes , which , as we said in our election broadcast a week ago , we plan to reduce by being careful with your money — another good idea that no-one else had thought of .
12 ‘ Before I came , ’ Catherine said , ‘ I had thought of your function in biblical terms — to feed the hungry and succour the needy .
13 Henry had thought of taking this line , but the trouble was , he found , one became almost too jolly at Donald 's expense , the implication being that he , the jammy bastard , was well off out of it , while they , the real sufferers , were condemned to a few more years of the horrors of living in Wimbledon .
14 Many people in the black community , people that I had thought of as friends , said to me that I should not have worn the flag that night .
15 The last thing in the world she had thought of becoming was a parson 's wife , and if she were to consider it for any length of time she would refuse through lack of courage .
16 ‘ She touched his organ , and from that bright epoch , even it , the old companion of his happiest hours , incapable as he had thought of elevation , began a new and deified existence . ’
17 If only he had thought of recorking his wine after dégorgement , then the perfectly limpid sparkling wine he had managed to achieve for himself and , no doubt , passed on as a ‘ tip ’ to others , would have been available to everybody .
18 He had thought of her as essentially a private woman who would be very little concerned with her neighbours or their problems .
19 The producer Jerome Hellman had seen Dustin in Eh ? and had thought of him for the part way back then .
20 It was very embarrassing and I was shocked at this behaviour from a person I had thought of as kind of shy and introverted . ’
21 However , Lilian Peters , seeing how hurt Mrs Miller was , said that she thought that it was a good idea and after suggesting that a weekly gathering of the evacuated mothers and their infants would also be an excellent idea , Mrs Miller sat down beaming , because she believed she had thought of it herself .
22 Willie held the knife above the cake , screwed up his face till he had thought of a wish and then plunged the knife into the icing .
23 Though both in their early forties when they died , he had thought of them as old .
24 If he happened to be out when Sien came home , the flowers in front of the window by the wicker chair would let her know he had thought of her .
25 Joan had thought of it and could understand Anne 's feelings .
26 Until then he had thought of her as sulky , even wilful , and had in truth been no more anxious for the match than she .
27 Only one in ten said that it had been suggested to them by a salesman , agent or someone at the shop ; about three-quarters said instead that they personally had thought of it , and most of the rest that it had been suggested by their wife or husband .
28 His book was almost finished , and he had thought of a title : The Character Of Completeness .
29 ‘ I had thought of that myself , ’ says Colin
30 ‘ I had thought of that myself , I see what you mean , ’ Colin concludes .
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