Example sentences of "had at [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 It seems that David had at first great difficulty in making his way with the public , and was several times unsuccessful in his efforts after fame .
2 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , it has taken me longer than I had at first anticipated to work my way through the manuscript you .
3 Its presence had at first been derided by the national brewers but its campaigning zeal attracted continual media attention and many independent brewers had been encouraged to return to cask beer production with enthusiasm .
4 In this way a mostly desperate body of art , which had at first shocked the American public , was transformed by speeches , articles and the context in which it was displayed , into an ideological weapon for the defence of Individualism and the right to express oneself .
5 The ‘ Singing Budgie ’ and ‘ We Hate Kylie ’ campaign had at first seemed impotent against the simple , unquenchable ambition of Kylie .
6 He had at first intended to drive straight to Jack 's house in Chelsea .
7 Within days it was obvious that the extent of the dissolution was every bit as great as I had at first suspected .
8 Herbert had at first been reluctant to believe that it was better for John to study dance in Cape Town than to return to high school in Johannesburg .
9 The railways undercut his price and he was forced to find many more passengers than he had at first calculated .
10 A working compromise was reached only after Barbarossa agreed to hold the Pope 's bridle and stirrup at a formal meeting ; an act of ritual homage which he had at first refused .
11 The two other officers were staring at me with a curiosity which I had at first thought similar to the curiosity I had found among the soldiers .
12 In the event , wiser counsels prevailed ; the proposals that had emerged by the summer of 1989 from the subject working parties and the National Curriculum Council were far from being the national syllabuses that had at first seemed likely .
13 The very scenery which had at first terrified people as recorded by Gilpin and others was steadily becoming attractive to visitors .
14 Or was the fact of their friendship with Gideon just an unwelcome coincidence , as I had at first supposed .
15 The societies , which had at first been purely local became national , with branches throughout Britain .
16 Irwin , of course , refused , and Gandhi , whose reaction to Irwin 's initiative had at first been positive , announced that a campaign of civil disobedience would begin .
17 He also called for a full investigation into Orkney 's Social Work Department , and the RSSPCC whose involvement was turning out to be very much more fundamental than had at first been supposed .
18 It is ironical that Watson had at first supported the Revolution and then changed his mind .
19 Harriet , who had hardly had a day 's illness in her life — unless she counted a bad attack of shingles some years previously — had at first been inclined to ignore her husband 's remarks .
20 At the barrier at Gatwick , I was met by a friendly policeman who told me that the injuries were not as bad as had at first been thought , and that none of my family was in danger — news which immediately reduced me to tears .
21 The wound was not as serious as it had at first seemed , but the bone was broken .
22 Workmates at GEC in Manchester had at first joked when he said he was unable to stand after kneeling to pick something up .
23 Dawn had at first been reluctant to get off my glove , so I 'd developed the habit of swinging my arm with the wind , hoping to encourage her to fly .
24 Orwell 's simplicity was much like that parent-figure : it can suddenly look more complicated , and more assumed , than one had at first supposed .
25 On the other hand , there was a slightly smaller group of people , ending up as early retired , who had at first decided to remain economically active and , for the most part , to try to find jobs .
26 And yet between these two , from what has been said and written and recollected by both , an intense and governing bond grew up unlikely though it had at first seemed .
27 When Shinwell discussed the men from the industry to be appointed to the senior positions , he had at first wanted two deputy chairmen , one to look after generation and the other to oversee distribution and the Area Boards , but Citrine proposed an alternative division between operations and administration , feeling that it was ‘ essential to have someone familiar with the operation of large-scale organisations ’ .
28 Further research revealed that what had at first appeared to be a bizarre anomaly was in fact a cultural feature shared by many different Indian peoples .
29 The colonies had at first been left to look after themselves because the king had no money to spare for defending them nor any forces he could send across the Atlantic , but after 1650 it was accepted that the colonies had a right to expect to be protected against European attack , though not against Indian or other local problems .
30 Broomhead had at first considered giving the woman a salutation from his vast treasury of filthy language when she approached him , but he realised that it might damage his rather good reputation .
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