Example sentences of "had be too " in BNC.

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1 Jay felt she had been too long alone on her pure-white sandy desert island .
2 But the three-man tribunal of legal experts from France , Greece and The Netherlands did admit that the punishment had been too harsh and that there were mitigating circumstances .
3 The Labour Party seemed to sense that it had gone too far in criticism of the police , perhaps in response to the far-left , middle-class activists of sociological inclination , and had been too tender towards violent criminals and other deviants .
4 In retrospect many Conservatives felt that the ill-fated 1971 Industrial Relations Act had been too ambitious and that the ground had not been adequately prepared for such a sweeping measure .
5 She has given voice to those who thought that previous Conservative governments had been too tolerant or ‘ defeatist ’ about the unions , the welfare state , high taxation , and public spending , and too accommodating to other countries , particularly in the European Community and the Commonwealth .
6 Yes , here was Hatton 's entry that he had been too ill to start the return journey until noon .
7 Forestry interests and landowners in Scotland had been lobbying the Scottish Office to draw the teeth of the NCC because it had been too successful in defending the uplands from conifers .
8 British military reaction had been too slow and ponderous to command respect in the politico-military environment of the post-war world .
9 Police said other stations had not been evacuated because a warning call from the terrorists had been too vague .
10 Up to then , Mr Wisdom 's income as a construction supervisor had been too small to buy a house for his family of five .
11 Poetry had been too long and too harshly divided from prose . ’
12 Rather than concluding that I had been too radical in Opposition , I fast came to the view 1 had been too cautious .
13 Rather than concluding that I had been too radical in Opposition , I fast came to the view 1 had been too cautious .
14 In over ten years in her Government , I never heard a complaint that any paper was held up at Downing Street because the Prime Minister had been too pressed with work to get round to it .
15 London had been too crowded , and the suburbs too typecast .
16 He had been too lordly to do this at one time , preferring to give them as Christmas presents .
17 It could be just another trap and what with Mr Bishop and Gazzer , there had been too many of those lately .
18 He had been too engrossed in the anguish of his own thoughts to notice the approach of the two uniformed policemen .
19 Through Dorothea 's head flitted the tune , but she had been too facetious already , to her shame .
20 Clifford Smyth stresses the damage that would have been done to the electoral appeal of the DUP if it had been too closely associated with the Free Presbyterian Church and offers this as the main reason why the Presbytery of the Free Church refused to allow ministers other than Paisley and Beattie to stand as DUP candidates .
21 Perhaps that had been too personal a remark .
22 The rest of the group had been too busy out enjoying themselves to think about the potential consequences of Leila 's absence .
23 Another , already in November 1941 explaining the drop in morale , remarked that ‘ the hope of an early peace had been too general ’ , and , within a few weeks , that ‘ the hope of an early end to the war has been abandoned ’ .
24 He denied it but after she had an abortion allegedly confessed to his wife , who had been too afraid and embarrassed to go to the police .
25 She guessed Nina had been too overwrought to shoot up .
26 Perhaps Tock had been too hard on them and if he treated them gently their disobedience would stop .
27 They had been too long from the bright lights .
28 If the first were correct , surely a house full of children and servants would have heard poor William 's pleas and , even if they had been too frightened of his mother 's retribution to release him , surely they would have passed him food .
29 It had been too speedily initiated for he had not had time to construct anything at all plausible .
30 Lately there had been too many hushed conversations and long telephone calls behind the doors of their London apartment .
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