Example sentences of "distancing [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 One , the unforgettable ‘ incantation ’ , the ‘ melody ’ and ‘ tune ’ of the services — things which were deeply rooted in his soul , and would reappear with striking force through his music and songs ; and two , his distancing himself from its strictly religious aspects .
2 But in the short and euphoric interval , even Mr Mann has softened his approach , indicating that he was now prepared to accept the constitution of India , and distancing himself from the latest demands by the ultra-belligerent Sikh student movement for an alternative government .
3 But in the short and euphoric interval , even Mr Mann has softened his approach , indicating that he was now prepared to accept the constitution of India , and distancing himself from the latest demands by the ultra-belligerent Sikh student movement for an alternative government .
4 Robbe-Grillet 's insistence upon the essentially ludic dimension of all of his fiction ( and cinema ) was also a means of escaping what might be termed the prison-house of reflexivity ; it was not uncommon to find him distancing himself from Ricardou , even during the conference devoted to his work in 1975 , at which he claimed that even his supposedly ‘ theoretical ’ utterances over the years should be construed as attempts to maintain plurality and mobility .
5 Buckmaster 's habit of distancing himself from the seamier side of the company worried him .
6 Was Morrissey distancing himself from the proceedings ?
7 Ceauşescu 's distancing himself from his fellow countrymen , whether for reasons of security or hygiene , meant that his daily life involved him in regular contact with relatively few people .
8 But there are signs that he is distancing himself from the UN .
9 John 's address stressed that the Council was to be pastoral rather than dogmatic , thus distancing himself from his advisers , and endorsing the view , condemned by Cardinal Ruffini , that the task of the Council was not to proclaim new dogmas but to find new ways of expressing the old ( see Abbott , p. 710–19 ) .
10 Closer co-operation with Western Europe was ideally suited to Adenauer 's policy of distancing himself from the Eastern bloc after September 1955 , when Moscow upset him by recognising East Germany as a sovereign state .
11 The rhetoric suggests that the author is distancing himself from antisemitism and from the absurdities of the conspiratorial interpretation of politics .
12 ‘ Boy ’ he breathed quietly , distancing himself without movement . ’
13 In these past two years and more , since Matthew had been employed with David , distancing himself from the old man and returning to the family fold , Beth had never stopped hoping that one day he might turn to her with affection .
14 I do not know whether the Hon. Gentleman is distancing himself from what happened .
15 Apricot sat closer and closer to Bernard on the stairs , and he edged further away , distancing himself from temptation .
16 I do not know whether that means that he has changed his policy or is distancing himself from the official line of the Labour party on unemployment issues .
17 He is once more distancing himself from the people of Scotland .
18 Ankara diplomats saw his resignation as a way of distancing himself from an unpopular government .
19 Distancing himself from the CPSU , he promised as President not to represent a single political trend but to involve the full range of " public thought " in government .
20 There was speculation that in distancing himself from the Khmers Rouges , Sihanouk was acting with the approval of the Chinese government .
21 She reached out to him but he drew his hand away and sat back , distancing himself from her .
22 In other words , he chose to conduct the war by remote control , distancing himself , as ever , from the brutality and the risks ( including that of defeat ) , but preserving his stake in a successful outcome .
23 In speeches delivered by him during a four-day visit to Catalonia in January , he called for unity and solidarity ; yet , at the same time , he himself kept the in-fighting going by distancing himself from Serrano while cultivating Arrese .
24 A meticulous man , with a compelling need for orderliness , distancing himself from anything which might threaten the harmonious life he was striving to create .
25 One was by cultivating the non-partisan persona of General de Gaulle and distancing himself whenever possible from the political party upon which his government depended .
26 Between the embarrassment of frank sleaziness , the vicious campaigns of Il Sabato against Mr De Mita ( then a serving prime minister ) and the evidence of its own eyes , the Italian church began distancing itself from both Communion and Liberation and Mr Sbardella .
27 The roofs were most often not their own : long since , the community had drawn in from its perimeter , sharing its water , its food and its warmth , and distancing itself so far as might be from the walls and the thud of the cannon .
28 The Labour Party 's obsession with distancing itself from anything which the right-wing media could pick up and exploit as ‘ extremist ’ is well described by Wainwright in her account of a Labour Party election rally .
29 The prey was distancing itself fast from the hunters ; the scent , as Myeloski knew , was still cold and getting colder .
30 Meanwhile , as well as searching for a director to replace its current chief , Bob Scheifler , the X Consortium is also examining ways of distancing itself from its home at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and developing some kind of marketing focus without falling foul of its not-for-profit status .
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