Example sentences of "congratulating [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 We had barely finished congratulating ourselves and going round with the good news when Mrs Maddock 's little boy from the post office ran to tell us it had been torn down .
2 However , just as we were all congratulating ourselves , the pattern changed and the child began to come into his mother 's bed .
3 We were already congratulating ourselves on a smooth and successful ascent , but you must beware .
4 Now , two years on , we are still congratulating ourselves on our choice .
5 Labour 's shadow chancellor accused Mr Lamont of ‘ congratulating himself ’ .
6 Hooto ( TM ) may , even now , be congratulating himself on the risks he 's taken , the frontiers he 's conquered .
7 The meeting at the Presbytery after Benediction had dragged on far too long , but he had caught his bus , and was congratulating himself on being out of the rain , when the conductor had bawled
8 We made that up for the boys , but if you prefer … ’ neighed Mr Crumwallis , congratulating himself on insisting on something that at least looked a bit special .
9 She heard her own shaming urgency and winced self-consciously , but even if he had been an observant man , Florian was currently too preoccupied to have noticed it , still busily congratulating himself and probably fantasising about taking Hawaii by storm .
10 And then , just when the Direktor was congratulating himself that nothing could go wrong , Gesner refused to take it any more .
11 ‘ Stalemate is the word I think you want , ’ she said , congratulating herself on her dry tone .
12 With the lease on the studio , the rent was peanuts and she 'd paid it all up front from the last exhibition , congratulating herself on being so sensible .
13 She was just congratulating herself that Fen need never know how she had weakened when the galley light was flicked on .
14 ‘ I 'm sure you are , ’ Loretta said warmly , congratulating herself on her powers of deduction .
15 She was just mentally congratulating herself , when he remarked , ‘ You do n't seem to have much of an appetite today .
16 You were congratulating yourselves on the fact earlier , I know . ’
17 Look at the two of you , congratulating yourselves on having just donated blood during Tuesday 's emergency ! ’
18 Somehow , somewhere , she got the impression that they were congratulating themselves on Martin and Rachel 's failure ; on their very irresponsible approach to Phoebe 's education .
19 It 's all terribly well the BBC congratulating themselves on their magnificent wildlife films but the huge ‘ movie theme park ’ they are planning for Rainham Marshes in Essex should comprehensively destroy yet another Site of Special Scientific Interest .
20 When Sir Eric was appointed Rector in 1985 everyone was congratulating themselves that the financial squeeze on the universities , which had lasted 15 years , was now at an end and that stable funding was just around the corner .
21 Congratulating themselves , and the Jafaars , on a six-month run of unparalleled success , DEA Nicosia greeted 1988 in a mood of cavalier optimism .
22 The Senior Management team were evidently congratulating themselves on having recruited such an able young lady .
23 They 've shown opposition to the introduction of L M S right from the start and put every obstacle possible in the way of its success , and its implementation , and yet there they were congratulating themselves on how well it was working .
24 Congratulating themselves on having gained another client , Sophie and Helen sat down to have some tea , and Sophie was just about to tell of Robert Sheldrake 's visit when Joanna arrived .
25 SHAREHOLDERS in Pacific Horizon Investment must be congratulating themselves on their decision last August to switch the trust 's investment management from Jupiter Tyndall to Edinburgh 's Baillie Gifford , after news yesterday of a 38.8 per cent leap in net asset value per share at halfway , writes George Duthie .
26 I always pity the average and fat ones , congratulating myself on having avoided such a flabby fate .
27 I was congratulating myself on my fitness when I passed a middle-aged German couple climbing up — with a good deal more spring in their steps than me .
28 I was just congratulating myself on negotiating the first and second holes fairly well when disaster struck at the 142-yard par-three third .
29 There I was congratulating myself on surviving the winter without so much as a sniffle , when I was suddenly struck down without warning .
30 I was just silently congratulating myself on tumbling her secret at last when I realized who the man in the photograph was .
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