Example sentences of "opt [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most people opt for the furry friendliness of the cat family .
2 However even these workers opt for something that they call ‘ interactionism ’ , in which there is a clearly modular , autonomous element which can be studied in isolation from the knowledge systems .
3 Experts are divided over whether the commission will urge specific new legislation making hacking a crime , or opt for changes in existing laws to cope with certain types of computer crime .
4 Most parents eschew diplomacy completely when dealing with their children , and opt for the Jimmy Cagney approach .
5 Employees who opt for the scheme will be expected to revert to their former employment contract once their children reach 14 .
6 When there is a certain amount of risk involved in an event , most promoters opt for paying the minimum amount of guarantee possible against a larger percentage for the artist .
7 I now opt for a Gamakatsu 6318 .
8 The new body — to be set up by the 12 countries of the European Community and the six countries of the European Free Trade Association — would be open to east European states who opt for democracy .
9 We opt for The Baker 's Wife at the Phoenix and all vote it a definite winner , and I wonder again at the jaundiced palate of critics who gave it a fair old drubbing when it first trotted out .
10 Under the new policy , Starkist expects tuna prices to rise from 2 cents to 10 cents per can , but hopes that increased costs would be compensated for by increased sales , as environmentally-conscious consumers opt for dolphin-safe tuna .
11 Worse for them , whether they go on backing Mr Gorbachev or opt for some other tough guy , the rattle of gunfire has not had the intended effect .
12 By now it has sold out , so I opt for a gin and tonic , at a price commensurate with a drink at the Ritz .
13 If you are vehemently opposed to using peat opt for coir ( processed coconut fibres and husks ) .
14 Most people in this business opt for two-inch wide tape but I prefer three-inch black for securing every line of wire in the hall , plus some two-inch white or silver to mark the edge of steps and other things you need to make noticeable .
15 There , voters opt for the individual and a big chunk of campaign money is spent on what we call ‘ name identification — getting voters to know your candidate 's name .
16 Most holidaymakers still opt for travellers ' cheques which are no longer the cheapest means of funding trips abroad .
17 This costs up to 2 p.c. of the sum converted with the possibility of a £3 handling charge if you opt for non-sterling or American dollar denominated cheques .
18 Labour may decide — as it did when Mr Michael Foot stood down in 1983 — to skip a generation and opt for one of the new breed of classless , ‘ voter-friendly ’ politicians who do not carry the baggage of the party 's failures in the 1970s and 1980s .
19 It is better to do one or two and then opt for more sensible distances . ’
20 What sort of motorists opt for diesel ?
21 In fact , there is a view that agencies too opt for long-term foster care instead of adoption with contact where there is continued parental interest .
22 Crèches at the workplace are still not a common occurrence , although some companies without sufficient demand to make a crèche feasible opt for giving employees financial help with local childcare instead .
23 Existing schools which opt for GM status will be able to emulate City Technology Colleges and attract private technology sponsorship .
24 Males without harems sometimes opt for a frontal attack .
25 With all the excellent facilities at this lively beach club , it 's not surprising why people opt for self catering holidays here .
26 You can stay in the main hotel or opt for one of the bungalows which are spaced throughout the gardens , giving you privacy and delightful surroundings .
27 About 15% of house-buyers opt for this report .
28 10% of house-buyers opt for a full structural survey ; this is a more detailed report based on a more exhaustive investigation and technical examination of the property — it lists the defects and includes an assessment of any remedial works which may need to be undertaken immediately and in the foreseeable future .
29 If you opt for the once a week regime , apply the oils three times a day if possible , otherwise once a day is enough .
30 Most universities now opt for a system which combines the best features of both approaches .
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