Example sentences of "eyeing the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A great nation , the French , ’ said Mrs Locombe-Stableford , eyeing the puddings .
2 Tatyana Scholl , the West German who was to win the Miss Bikini ( physique ) class , took time out from her press-ups to waddle around nervously like a weight-lifter eyeing the bar .
3 He was buried under subversive literature between the Gardening Society ( whose president sat framed by snaps of himself communing with plants ) and the Women 's Group , unhappily eyeing the occupant of the Rocky Horror Society stand , who , dressed in regulation suspenders and holed stockings , was doing roaring business .
4 Funny uniforms they wear these days , he thought , eyeing the girl 's navy-blue nylon overall and hat like a white forage cap .
5 On a wet day , eyeing the lanes of traffic before crossing to the hospital , I caught my toe in a paving-stone and fell fiat .
6 Carlie was still looking at him , eyeing the casts , his toes sticking out at the end .
7 Mrs Lennox queried , eyeing the loaves Maggie had laid beside the water containers .
8 Chopping wood , making bonfires , sawing logs , collecting acorns , eyeing the strawberries while patrolling up and down with his special secateurs , he appeared to one neighbour ‘ like a magic gardener in a fairy story ’ .
9 They were hot and prickly to wear , and impossible to keep clean , but they charmed the child so thoroughly that she was content to sit as still and silent as a doll eyeing the dazzling frills and listening to the faint crackle of the underskirts .
10 ‘ Comrade , ’ said Khrushchev , eyeing the back of the Great Hall , ‘ that is exactly what we were doing all those years under Stalin . ’
11 The two island republics cast their lot with him after Japan began eyeing the Western Pacific as a potential dumping ground .
12 Export men are eyeing the 34 km stretch between Riyadh airport and the Saudi Arabian capital .
13 Windsor thinks that several F1 stars are eyeing the US scene .
14 Eaton is eyeing the future : ‘ We 've got plenty of struggles left , but I feel very good about the people and the cars ’
15 ‘ Modern technology is so infinitesimally delicate , ’ Milligan explained , eyeing the electronic boxes with distrust .
16 Out in force a week or so prior to the start of the meeting , they hunted for stories like lions seeking water on a drought-ridden veldt , lingering outside the security fences and eyeing the carabinieri , who would let none through without the appropriate pass .
17 There were murmurs of assent , though Sara noticed the children eyeing the plum pudding impatiently .
18 He sat back again , eyeing the blank wall before him , confident that he 'd catch it , however good it was .
19 They sit in silence , hands in laps , eyeing the food suspiciously — a well-practised act .
20 Willie nodded shyly and went after Sammy who was eyeing the flowers in someone 's window box .
21 ‘ Later , perhaps , ’ said Tom , thinking that Willie was eyeing the buns .
22 Househunters are eyeing the estate agents ' windows with new , predatory enthusiasm … there is an unmistakeable scent of recovery in the air . ’
23 Priestley received £3,000 and is now eyeing the £30,000 first prize at the Embassy World Championship .
24 Eyeing the magnates one by one , he nodded his head .
25 A half glance at the congregation , then back to eyeing the piece of paper .
26 EIGA reckons its plan will appeal to UK and European businesses ranging from hoteliers trying to set up in Moscow to oil giants eyeing the vast energy resources of Kazakhsthan .
27 RICHARD HANNON is eyeing the gold in a bid to clinch his first ever trainer 's title .
28 At Tabitha 's side Marco was clutching his duffel and eyeing the unfolded net in some apprehension .
29 ‘ Very nice , ’ said Joe , eyeing the purchases , she 'd set out on the bed , ‘ but explain why it 's taken you all day . ’
30 Chain stitch , Laura thought , eyeing the weight in the ceiling cloth ( had it moved ? ) , chain stitch and 600 a term .
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