Example sentences of "to detach [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of feeding our fear , we must start to detach ourselves from it .
2 And once he had become Head of Government , the need to detach himself in public from the distasteful gutter tactics of his activist anti-Semites was prompted above all by foreign political considerations as well as by the necessity to avoid gratuitous alienation of the conservative German establishment around Hindenburg , whose own ingrained anti-Semitism nevertheless stopped short of arbitrary open violence .
3 He is not committed , by his education , to rejecting or despising the community in which he was brought up ; but he should be given the means in some sense to detach himself from it .
4 He was surrounded by other people yet able to detach himself .
5 Peter tried to detach himself from Molland as they left the solicitor 's office .
6 The Poet evidently wants to detach himself totally from the Friend , stand away from him as if he might suffer corruption or contagion by going any nearer .
7 Gunn is able to detach himself and view this impartially :
8 If we are alert to textual detail — and all studies of the reverberations of imagery in the Miller 's Tale tell us that it is a tale that encourages us to be so ( see below ) — then we can also find a suggestive parallel between Absolon 's inability to detach himself entirely from the vulgarities of the human world and the Host 's failure to impose an elegantly hierarchical structure on the tale-telling competition .
9 Secondly , their underrating of the ‘ caesaristic ’ elements of Hitler 's mass charismatic base meant that , far from providing a new foundation for the power of the traditional élites , as they had hoped , the plebiscitary acclamation of the Führer enabled Hitler 's own power to detach itself from its likely shackles and develop a high degree of relative autonomy , at the same time reducing former dominant groups like the army from ‘ power-élites ’ proper to merely ‘ functional élites ’ , unable to check Hitler himself and the ‘ wild men ’ of the Nazi Movement , even when wishing to do so .
10 In the short run it attempted to detach itself from its ‘ extremist ’ wing — more properly , those sections of the Labour Party which the right-wing popular press considered extreme — on the grounds that the ‘ loony left ’ cost it electoral votes .
11 And then , before they quite met , the smaller shadow seemed to detach itself from the wall and move out into space .
12 ‘ What we think is happening , ’ he explained quietly and unemotionally , ‘ is that the placenta which carries the blood supply to your baby is beginning to detach itself and break up .
13 However , she said that she was quite happy to visualize the scene without having to detach herself from the reality of it .
14 While Maureen , who raised the alarm , began to detach herself from the child she had taken home , returning it briefly to hospital , Marie held the infant she called Gemma tightly to her .
15 Thus the quarrel between Megara and Corinth , which drove the former to detach herself from the Peloponnesian League in 461 and join Athens , was originally over boundary land .
16 But soon she began to detach herself from the girls sitting hand in hand in the Bun Shop and from their faintly rebuking way of going at their books .
17 I had done what a lot of people do when struck with shyness — tried to detach myself from a situation because I anticipated rejection .
18 They change the persona and help me to detach myself completely from my working life .
19 You expect me to detach myself from my non-bourgeois essence … to honour your gods , your fathers , your Revolution …
20 From Central Office , and from around his entourage , came the unmistakable signs of fair-weather friends preparing to detach themselves from blame for defeat .
21 ‘ This meeting , having taken into consideration the proceedings of former meetings , and being informed that many respectable persons delay giving their names as subscribers while the proceedings of the committee are subject to be reported to the Odiham Society , and are under the controul [ sic ] thereof , find it expedient to detach themselves from that Society , the work on which they are engaged being of so considerable importance , the reformation and improvement of Farriery , requiring that it should be confined to that purpose and use alone , and be under the sole management and control of its own members .
22 The public are respectfully informed , that the Committee appointed by the Odiham Agriculture Society to consider the best method of improving the Art commonly called Farriery , have , in pursuance of that design , and feeling themselves unable to act with due energy and effect in the capacity of a Committee , found it expedient to detach themselves from that respectable Society , and to erect themselves into the present form .
23 However , for musicians to take advantage of such technology , they needed to detach themselves from the conviction that high-cost studio technology and expertise was essential for the production of successful and valuable recordings .
24 And it was the conceptual element of Cubism that enabled the painters at various times to detach themselves from visual appearances without losing touch with the material world around them .
25 I keep reminding myself that this was a film , a work of art , a dramatic illusion , but it 's not easy to detach yourself from a film , as you can from a play . ’
26 As for the drive towards egoism by withdrawing from emotional awareness , in competitive conditions it appears reasonable to detach oneself from the joys as well as the troubles of others , on the calculation that love or trust is likely to be betrayed , and any generous action may be utilized against oneself .
27 It appears impossible to detach oneself from the visual analogy sufficiently to criticize it , without finding another to put in its place or balance against it .
28 As the phonemic contrasts in one 's own language are " built in " , it can be expected that it takes longer to detach oneself from these contrasts than it takes to master the actual pronunciation .
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