Example sentences of "to knock out " in BNC.

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1 That approach would seek to knock out a keystone of Civil Service tradition .
2 AFTER four days of sparring , Eric Vanderaerden unleashed his Sunday punch to knock out the fading hopes of Sean Kelly , and the whole of Ireland , in the Nissan Classic , which finished in Dublin yesterday after five days and 925km .
3 View from City Road : AMP tries to knock out Pearl
4 The allies ' biggest visible flop at the outset of this war has been the failure to knock out the launchers of Iraq 's Scud missiles .
5 Second , that no side had ‘ first-strike capability ’ , that is , the ability to knock out the other side completely in a surprise attack .
6 After a time , when there was still no sign of Miss Harker , she relaxed sufficiently to knock out her extinct pipe against her boot and enquire of Biff as to whether he wanted to sit beside her .
7 The object is to win — and the way to achieve this is to knock out the opponent .
8 ‘ The tendency in modern arable farming to knock out field boundaries and devote fewer fields to grass seems to be largely responsible for the decline in hares , ’ Tapper says .
9 I do n't suppose Mehra can possibly have had time to knock out some SF on the side , but I am deeply curious to know which great scientist lurks behind the mask of ‘ Robert Anton Wilson ’ .
10 For most tumours , however , the genetic blueprint is normal , and two events are therefore required to knock out both copies of the relevant gene before a tumour arises , which is why they are so rare .
11 Swapping to the JD Tele means leaping swiftly across the room to knock out the amp 's treble boost .
12 A man who mixes a cocktail of vitamins and sleeping pills to knock out Little Liz 's predecessor after she had gone off her oats and then crawls around under the bedclothes with a speculum and a flashlight .
13 In the same quarter-finals that witnessed Biarritz 's act of drop-goal escapism against Bayonne , Toulon managed — with the scores tied at 30-all after 110 minutes of play — to knock out Tarbes on the try-count .
14 The air raids on London and Liverpool and Birmingham and Clydeside were to knock out communications and close roads and railways and make everybody so pig-sick that they 'd welcome Hitler with open arms .
15 ANDY HOLLIGAN produced an Aintree iron of a left-hook to knock out Manchester 's Tony Ekubia in 31 seconds of the seventh round at the Everton Sports Centre last night .
17 An ice-screw at 5m then go for the top , taking care not to knock out any ice onto those waiting below .
18 Broomhead had managed partly to knock out the large dent in the horn but he had taken off a fair amount of paint in the process .
19 It 's that game where you make a grid on a sheet of graph paper and each player has one battleship ( four squares ) , two cruisers ( three squares ) , three destroyers ( two squares ) and so on , then you have to knock out the opponent 's fleet .
20 Never again , because in sheer economic terms it is lunacy to spend upwards of £80 million to knock out a war machine that actually only provided some £20 billion of contracts for western industry .
21 General Giap realised that his best course was to knock out the French before American aid increased decisively .
22 I has taken me a while to figure out that ‘ we ai n't got Windows , we got DOS ’ so I would appreciate any advice in your columns on the basics — what sorts of programs are suitable for a simple soul like me who needs to knock out the odd poster , magazine or newsletter and something that will look more professional , from time to time .
23 Lucker lurches forward with enough force to knock out his teeth , what there is left of them .
24 Not only do you have to find it , but you may have to knock out the retaining plug .
25 However with Scott supporting him and the stable having hit form he should be able to knock out the odd winner or two in the coming weeks .
26 If she then plays 3 rounds of Spades trumping in dummy and proceeds to knock out the Ace of Clubs , East can simply hold off to the third round and then lead a Diamond .
27 When I read essays by male Art Historians I had to knock out a lot of crap like when they talk about the rape in inverted commas …
28 Mrs Doris Ledger and Mrs Jenny Metcalfe , two members of the fund raising committee , officially signalled the start of building work by wielding a hammer to knock out the first brick in a wall on Ward 42 .
29 The mere wear-and-tear of the prolonged firing contributed to German losses ; after superhuman efforts , one of the monster 420s had been moved up to the Bois des Fosses in order to knock out Fort Souville , but on the third shot a shell exploded in the worn barrel , killing almost the entire crew .
30 EVANDER HOLYFIELD 'S mighty £17.5m asking price for a London defence of his world heavyweight title is virtually certain to knock out Lennox Lewis 's hopes of home advantage in next spring 's challenge .
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