Example sentences of "to smile at " in BNC.

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1 I used to smile at the people who stopped me in the street , not knowing what they wanted at first , until I discovered that there were actually beggars in London .
2 Lambs rubbed against the fence adjacent to Pete and cows seemed to smile at him across the farmyard .
3 It is true that we are more enlightened than we were ; there is a public which has learnt to smile at the reviewer who declares that a line ‘ will not scan ’ , or that it contains a ‘ trochee ’ where it should have had an ‘ iamb ’ , without considering whether it was ever intended to ‘ scan ’ , or whether there is anything in English verse which can be treated as the absolute equivalent of a Greek or Latin trochee .
4 Nathan cheered up a touch when he had eaten his way through half the menu , and was even able to smile at the prospect of spending the night in our corridor-like room .
5 The old dog on the ground yawned and seemed almost to smile at them .
6 He tried to smile at her .
7 The sky was blue , and the lake and mountains seemed to smile at us .
8 Above all we can not ignore it : whereas at one time we might have been able to smile at the perversity of the local watch committee in another town , the collective action of several dozen politically motivated local authorities to ban News International publications effectively took censorship in libraries well beyond the silly season in the Press ; and whereas we could once afford to hang back with our copies of Fanny Hill secure in the knowledge that we would be nowhere near the top of the prosecution list , Section 28 is in place and ready to pick us off should we try to share our enthusiasm for homosexual literature with more than a few of our consenting adult users .
9 It is unnerving to want to smile at the interviewer only to discover that your face has set and feels too stiff to move .
10 A security guard came to smile at our picnic on the grass .
11 Her skin seemed to glow , and she discovered she only had to smile at the male members of the staff and they were immediately more friendly .
12 ‘ Steady on there , ’ her companion said and as she looked round to smile at him in the fragmented night-sun that was the wheel she saw Gabriel working at the barbecue .
13 Eventually , both mother and baby gained strength , and Ruth saw relief replace worry in Ernest 's face as his daughter began to thrive , and his wife to smile at him .
14 But it would be discourteous to say so , and he merely smiled with his full lips , in the way he was presently to smile at Dinah Asshe herself , after they had played and sung .
15 She managed to smile at him .
16 She forced herself to smile at Billy , clutching the coat with its hidden weapon close to her side .
17 Eyes downcast , she ate without speaking , pausing only to smile at Vi .
18 I said , ‘ The joint is burning , ’ and Richard turned to smile at me , his hand on her breast .
19 Duroc had had to smile at that .
20 He ignored me to smile at her .
21 There was a moment , God 's truth , she would not forget it , when the man with the gun seemed to smile at her , God 's truth and she did not trifle with that .
22 She tried to smile at her mother , — genuinely sorry to have vexed her .
23 She tried to smile at him .
24 Like a good Renaissance poet he replies that this is the principle of decorum ; his form merely recreates his subject-matter : We are inclined to smile at the self-depreciation , as we are at the similar joke in 105 : He has no need for other forms , other themes .
25 The profits grew and the bank manager began to smile at Carrie whenever she paid in the weekly takings .
26 She becomes one with her instrument , lifting her head occasionally to smile at one or all of the band , or someone in the audience , but there 's a flow to the music that in my experience , is almost without parallel .
27 By around two to four months the baby has learned to smile at strangers ( whether in pleasure or as a learned signal of interaction , or as a primitive placatory gesture , is debatable ) .
28 His job is also to be friendly to you , to smile at you , you know , when you want it , so it 's not really an equal relationship .
29 I tried to smile at him through my tears , but I realized it had n't turned out very well , so I squeezed his hand which I was holding .
30 DeVore turned briefly to smile at Berdichev before returning his attention to the scene on the other side of the one-way mirror that took up the whole of one wall of the study .
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