Example sentences of "throws [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The saving throws for troops is not given on their profile because this is variable depending on the armour they wear .
2 The saving throws for troops is not given on their profile because it can vary depending on the armour they wear .
3 Work out wounds and saving throws for each hit as normal .
4 Often needed in the first stage of high grade inflammations , fevers and congestions with great anxiety , heat and restlessness ; tosses about , throws off the covers .
5 The earth throws off the heat it can not accommodate .
6 ‘ Never is here , Den , ’ says George , then he throws off the lid of the Monster 's bin and heaves it up on his shoulder .
7 Usually we found enough conkers for our needs already on the ground , but if this was not the case , then a few well aimed throws with sticks would soon bring more ripe fruits cascading down .
8 An emphasis on spontaneity , immediacy and the ‘ existence ’ throws into relief one of the senses in which communitas contrasts with structure .
9 But this throws into high relief Leonard 's ( or at least Breavman 's ! ) denial of spiritual responsibility : if the onus had passed to his uncles , and thereby to his cousins , why should he care ?
10 It throws into combat the best players from all corners of the country and , unlike the old final trial game , it gives you a second chance if you play badly first time out .
11 If a sizeable proportion of these are characterised by extreme ambivalence , even hostility , it throws into question many assumptions about this form of community care as preferable to ( say ) residential care .
12 This riposte throws into relief the central difference between the two as Barth saw it .
13 The literature throws into sharp relief the essential dichotomy in the approach to this issue between economics and economic history .
14 She even exercises extreme caution about what she throws into her waste-paper bin .
15 His stiff pose throws into contrast the dance-like arrangement of Bowler 's limbs .
16 His exchange with the negligent Mr Brooke is abrasive , and the price paid for upper-class ignorance in human misery — the worn wife , the thieving child , the drunkenness throws into unsparing relief his landlord 's enthusiasm for the fine arts and social reform .
17 The same is likely to be true for South Eastern secretarial/office staff , and throws into question the chances of success of campaigns to recruit them such as recently initiated by the major Transport and General Workers Union ( TGWU ) ( see Financial Times , 5 and 6/12/86 ) .
18 The particular case of PCL throws into sharp relief the corporate status of the five ILEA polytechnics , a status long advocated by the Committee of Polytechnic Directors for all polytechnics .
19 Bell goes on to make explicit a relationship between monolingual stylistic variation and bilingual behaviour : having two discrete languages available rather than a continuum of styles simply throws into sharper focus the factors which operate on monolingual style shift .
20 The above brief account throws into sharp relief the essential differences between the Keynesian and classical theories of labour market adjustment .
21 It throws into doubt the claim that the call was intercepted by a retired bank manager in Oxfordshire.Ian Maclaren reports .
22 It throws into doubt the claim that the call was intercepted by a retired bank manager in Oxfordshire .
23 The decision throws into confusion the single market for free trade between EC member states .
24 It is a bold move , since it throws into reverse one of Clinton 's central election pledges .
25 Indeed , applying functionalism to bureaucracy quickly throws up most of the theoretical limitations of this approach ; in particular , the problem of limiting politics to seven functions , and its ethnocentric bias .
26 At that very instant the fluff throws in the towel and sashays from view .
27 Not for him the Baden-Powell approach of rubbing two Boy Scouts together ; he liberally douses the twigs with paraffin and throws in a match .
28 Tante Claire is even more amazing value and throws in coffee and petits fours ( variable ) on its two menus , one fishy , the other meaty .
29 It is basically identical to Tit for Tat except that , once in a while , say on a random one in ten moves , it throws in a gratuitous defection and claims the high Temptation score .
30 More bits of layette arrive from all parties , including a romper-suit with a picture of Horace the Happy Horse on it , which Paul furtively throws in the dustbin .
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