Example sentences of "switching between " in BNC.

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1 They respond to changes in gate potential , not absolute levels — switching between 0 and 3V looks the same to an igfet as switching between — 3 and 0V .
2 They respond to changes in gate potential , not absolute levels — switching between 0 and 3V looks the same to an igfet as switching between — 3 and 0V .
3 Switching between one-day and five-day mode was unpopular with the players , and the new showbiz-style razzmatazz that accompanied the games seemed specifically designed to cater for the drunken yobbos who turned up by the cartload .
4 Whilst this may be a mixed blessing because of pupils switching between schools , and different types of schools created by the greater choice .
5 Serpell suggests that the parrots are trying to startle their rivals with these varied displays , Switching between a large number of gestures in an unpredictable way may be more intimidating than repeating a few cliched movements over and over again .
6 What I did there was I had my Trio preamp going through a Boogie 295 power amp into a couple of Boogie Black Shadow speaker cabs and I was switching between that setup and the Fender Twin .
7 ‘ I use two amps on stage , switching between the two : a Marshall , which is set quite low but with a good , meaty kind of sound , and a reissue Fender blackface Twin Reverb set up with a cleaner sound and vibrato if I want it .
8 It was more important to set the processors ' internal patch levels so that when switching between processors the levels still matched .
9 Switching between the different combinations of effects and processors produced the same results , and apart from inventing some really stupid effect chains I found plenty of interesting combinations ; these could be mixed with the dry signal without losing any of the basic guitar sound .
10 Of course , switching between the digital processors has to be done via a MIDI foot-controller , so if analogue effects are to be used as well , that could mean booking some tap dancing lessons !
11 The ‘ mid EQ ’ preset on channel 2 has the effect of tightening up the sound while adding a little more in the way of mid/top frequencies — a bit like playing a Strat and switching between neck pickup only and middle'n'bridge .
12 ( If storage costs are a problem , they can be solved by switching between one site and the other more often . )
13 So disrupted were the TV schedules that day , with viewers switching between channels to glean the latest news from America , that Verity Lambert won permission to have ‘ An Unearthly Child ’ rescreened the following Saturday , before ‘ The Cave of Skulls ’ ( the story 's second episode ) to enable more balanced viewer ratings to be established .
14 Once all the correct lenses have been swung into place and focussing is complete , the initial dialogue between the time-travellers can be made more interesting by switching between close-ups , mid-shots , group shots , etc .
15 We combine these by choosing just a few random points in them , say two or three , and copying from the first string up to the first point ; then copying from the second up to the second point ; then copying from the first again ; and so on , switching between them at each point .
16 This means that the heads stay in more or less the right position when switching between applications , thus speeding things up a little .
17 Ethos The general ethos behind Power Launcher is to make the task of opening and switching between applications easier and cleaner , not to say quicker .
18 In this case it 's mine , and meant for launching or switching between applications .
19 exchange rate policy when there exist indivisibilities or set up costs of switching between different industries in the presence of a non-permanent supply of North Sea Oil .
20 A feature of matrix organization is that it permits a useful degree of resource switching between projects .
21 More recently , he has emphasised the second view , stating ( 1982b ) " rather than 'decreolisation' , we have : variation within Creole ; variation within English , as well as switching between the two …
22 Code switching between varieties
23 He puts forward as an alternative a model of a two-language system with code switching between systems , citing B. L. Bailey 's ( 1966 ) description of the grammar of " Jamaican Creole " as an indication that " Creole " ( the basilect ) can be described as a discrete system .
24 He reports experimental evidence which suggests that adolescent middle-class Jamaicans can distinguish " Jamaican English " from " Jamaican Creole " , and shows that code switching between these two can be identified not only in contemporary speech , but also in the speech of characters in literary texts .
25 Thus the stereotype which exists within the community itself , of two close friends gossiping in Patois , corresponds to reality — with the proviso that even in such conversations , code switching between Creole and British English will take place .
26 The present study therefore falls into the less well-researched area of code switching between closely related varieties , and there are some special problems associated with this .
27 Brenda used both Creole and London English , code switching between the two .
28 Much of the language behaviour of the speakers described in this book can be characterised as code switching between those two systems , but it is also clear that " English " and " Creole " interact at many other levels , both for these speakers and for the community as a whole .
29 The WORDWISE program will be used as an example here but the options are very similar in all packages and once the user learns the basics of word processing- switching between programs is relatively easy and it is likely that schools will have different types of word processing programs in the school library , in the computer room and in classrooms .
30 Criss-crossing Europe and switching between time periods spanning 500 years , this new production by Red Shift is an action-packed thriller which follows three reluctant detectives — a clerk to Henry VIII , a Jacobean architect and a modern interior designer .
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