Example sentences of "'e come " in BNC.

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1 'E came out loaded up wiv old iron .
2 'E came in when I was turning down 'is bed , ’ she volunteered , curtsying to Rose in fright , somewhat muddled between his ranking and that of the Prince of Wales .
3 ‘ Where 's 'e come from an' what 's 'is experience ? ’ he demanded , reproof in his tone .
4 'E come 'ome 'ere drunk as a kite .
5 'E collapsed as 'e come out the Kings Arms an' they rushed 'im away ter the 'ospital. 'E 's in a bad way so Maisie Dingle told me .
6 I felt sorry fer 'er Ernie. 'E come 'ome that night wiv a few drinks inside 'im an' 'im an' Maudie got at it .
7 ‘ Your father did not want to pay for the doctor , while the priest 'e comes free !
8 And then 'e comes in again .
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