Example sentences of "expresses [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 It was this work , along with the subsequent brilliance of his public performances , that created his reputation as ‘ Canada 's leading young poet ’ : ‘ His virtues are his own , and they are considerable … at his best he expresses himself , sometimes whimsically , sometimes passionately , in speech which is beyond the capacity of mere formula to produce , ’ commented Allan Donaldson at the time .
2 I have quoted this passage in full , not because I think it is particularly inspired or even well-written , but because it is the nearest attempt I have come across to suggest some of the subjective , hidden meanings that might well make up a performer 's luggage when he expresses himself on stage .
3 The apparent ease of his contrapuntal textures , too , is another example of art concealing art : a moment 's listening behind the quiet , untrammelled ease with which Jenkins expresses himself reveals the downright mastery involved .
4 We have all met the person who expresses himself or herself indirectly — ‘ Well , of course I would , but it 's George — you know how it is …
5 ‘ I 'm not saying there 's more culture in our family and that Eric plays football as well so that makes us more interesting , I 'm just saying he expresses himself in one way and also in another and we do n't want to be criticised for that . ’
6 However , subsequent thinkers have often seen his claim as in effect about the meaning of the word ‘ good ’ and Moore himself at times expresses himself thus .
7 The first five are basically concerned with the structures of literature and the various ways in which an author expresses himself .
8 ( If this proposition is doubted , consider s.76(4) ( b ) of PACE , under which a confession , inadmissible as evidence of its truth , may nevertheless supply evidence of the way that the accused ‘ speaks , writes or expresses himself . ’ )
9 He repeatedly expresses himself as awestruck by nature and by the contemplation of truth , and as having a , a desire to worship something outside himself .
10 If the pub as an institution expresses itself in a rich variety of ways , the same is true of the physical forms it takes .
11 Machismo is an exaggerated cult of virility which expresses itself in male assertions of superiority over females , and competition between men .
12 For reasons to be examined below this belief commonly expresses itself in a belief in a defeasible obligation to obey the law .
13 Linked with identity , this expresses itself as loyalty ; linked with obligations and duties , it is a sense of responsibility .
14 Another way in which the new narrative extends the range of traditional realism is by re-creating modes of spoken speech , not for reasons of costumbrism or authenticity , but to portray a society through the way in which it expresses itself orally .
15 Arguedas , however , was faced with the thorny problem of translating into the alien medium of Spanish the sensibility of a people which expresses itself in Quechua , and his great achievement has been to evolve a style which captures the rhythm and flavour of Quechua to convey the spiritual world of the Andean Indians .
16 More generally , Onetti 's disenchantment with Western civilization expresses itself through protagonists who are at odds with society and seek to create their own alternative reality .
17 In many works , in fact , the Latin-American people 's struggle against social , political and economic domination expresses itself in cultural terms , in resistance to the dominant culture imposed by Western imperialism .
18 As a result , one can indeed envisage a situation in which we have before us an over production in all links of the chain which expresses itself in an over-production of means of consumption , i.e. in an overproduction in relation to the consumer market , which is precisely the expression of a general over-production .
19 They seem to let the soul of the other person — or the animal — communicate by the way it expresses itself , in the look and in the bearing , in the tone and in the voice .
20 But the mind always expresses itself through the body , consciously or unconsciously , just as it does in humans .
21 The transformation is made up of spiritual , intellectual and emotional elements which grow together into an autonomous state of mind : Sooner or later this attitude of autonomy expresses itself in doubt .
22 It is possible that when Gandhi speaks of Religion , what he may be referring to is not an ‘ essence ’ or a ‘ primordial element ’ or a transcendental unity' , but the faith of men which expresses itself in a variety of different forms .
23 It is the latter 's contention that Ultimate Concern , the holy or unconditional , expresses itself in a variety of forms : in painting , which may have no religious content in the traditional sense ; in philosophy , when attempts are made to understand the nature of ultimate reality ; in ideologies which might normally be regarded as secular , such as , nationalism , socialism and humanism ; and in traditional religions .
24 When Ultimate Concern expresses itself in particular religions , and adherents of those religions regard them as embodiments of the Ultimate then , in Tillich 's view , the particular has been elevated to the status of ultimacy .
25 Just as we express what is in our soul through the use of our Mind and our bioenergy , so the Universe expresses itself .
26 ‘ Yet we all without exception share a subtler and ambivalent genetic flaw , which expresses itself not in branching bones but in our very behaviour .
27 We very rarely seem to enjoy it , and the pleasure of victory expresses itself mainly as relief from the self-loathing of defeat . )
28 In his view ‘ one of the levers of pressure on the policy of the new states by the West is military cooperation , which expresses itself in rendering military assistance , the sale of modern arms , the dispatch of a significant number of Western military advisers to the developing countries and , finally , the creation of military bases on the territory of a series of non-aligned states ’ .
29 In paranoid disorders however , it is the son 's passive relation to the father that threatens to unman him , and this expresses itself in the characteristic symptom of paranoia — delusions produced by the mechanism of projection .
30 Thus , in a thoroughly typical way , man , who is not endowed with an instinctive love of animals or care for them , achieves the ability to make a success of animal-husbandry as a form of economic life by channelling his otherwise rampant aggressiveness back against himself as a force of conscience which frequently expresses itself in pastoral cultures as a vengeful and recriminating god of the sky .
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