Example sentences of "finds himself " in BNC.

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1 He finds himself ‘ considering the idea of flight ’ , and the idea of defeat : ‘ 1 suppose that , thinking of my own harassment and Raymond 's defeat , I had begun to consider Yvette a defeated person as well , trapped in the town , as sick of herself and the wasting asset of her body as I was sick of myself and my anxieties . ’
2 Tracy is a cab driver who finds himself struggling against the power of the city 's corrupt taxi bosses .
3 Eventually he finds himself at 500 feet , unable to see a good field ahead , unable to remember the wind direction , and trying to select a field with very little choice .
4 If an inexperienced pilot finds himself in a situation where a field landing seems necessary , he should make the decision to choose a field and plan the landing properly , while there is height and time to spare .
5 These were acknowledged publicly by no less a figure than a former Prime Minister , W.L. MacKenzie King , at the communal celebrations of Lyon 's 60th birthday and his 35th anniversary of engagement in social interests , as well as those of his friend of many years ( to whom Lyon Cohen had diverted the honour of being invited to be the Member of Parliament several years before ) , Sir Samuel W. Jacobs , KC : ‘ Our friend finds himself today , ’ , commented Jacobs , ‘ the acknowledged leader of Jewry in Canada , a position acquired by years of self-denying effort … respected by his own , and also by the larger community in which we dwell . ’
6 When Svidrigailov and Porfiry , who never meet — bold again — and who have nothing to do with each other , both tell Raskolnikov that a man needs air , my business is to try and suggest how it is that Dostoevsky 's reader finds himself in immediate dual touch with a Petersburg july day and a universal truth .
7 And now , writing the same novel all his life , Dostoevsky finds himself doomed to confront suicide as deed , perhaps life 's one deed and therefore the podvig he is seeking .
8 Now he finds himself in the same position as his predecessor — a relative conservative whose time is past .
9 There will be a few moist eyes at Old Trafford if Fergie finds himself in dreamland again tonight , in what will surely be his last appearance in Britain .
10 This afternoon , Kevin Tamati , last seen demonstrating an ability to talk fellow television commentators into submission , finds himself the object of Granada 's broadcast as his new charges look for first points from Leigh .
11 With representatives arriving in Blackpool for today 's opening session of the most critical of Conservative conferences for many years , the former Cabinet minister finds himself the focal point for public and party disaffection with Mrs Thatcher .
12 Allan Lamb , the vice-captain , now finds himself short of a quorum for the easily-bored touring club , which usually takes the form of a private knockabout well out of earshot of Micky Stewart .
13 It is rare in British industry for a designer to become the head of such a large business , and Conran can sometimes appear defensive about the unusual position in which he finds himself .
14 The United Biscuits chairman is , however , concerned that today 's executive finds himself working in a business environment that appears to be in danger of moral decline .
15 In his late twenties , he finds himself having to conduct family business via telephone and letter .
16 ( 1937 , You 're in the Army Now in US ) , the improbable tale of an American hoodlum who takes on the identity of a murdered gambling companion and finds himself in the British Army , where he slowly comes to understand the habits of self-effacing Englishmen .
17 So a man who has hitherto led a quiet life , in terms of cricket administration , finds himself thrust into the forefront of the game 's politics .
18 So a man who has hitherto led a quiet life , in terms of cricket administration , finds himself thrust into the forefront of the game 's politics .
19 Mr Wilson now finds himself declaring his belief that it was ‘ the conduct of Sir Johannes and his cronies ’ which discredited the honours system , not the granting of the original accolade .
20 Having publicly backed his wife 's move , Mr Ozal now finds himself at odds with the party he founded and led for more than six years as prime minister .
21 He even finds himself giving out gardening advice to local radio operators from his car .
22 Although the family seat was sold off in the fifties , the thirteenth Earl finds himself in a very similar sort of house , and the comparison is instructive .
23 Registration has to be done very shortly after the death itself , so the person who goes to the office to do this finds himself alongside people who are celebrating the birth of a baby , or registering a marriage .
24 their enthusiasm is still that of a child who asks all kinds of fascinating questions about the new world in which he finds himself .
25 Even Art finds himself overcome at times by incredulity or revulsion , especially in the section of this second volume , where he confronts problems posed by the first 's inordinate success in 1986 .
26 The circumstances were very similar to those the lad at Sunderland finds himself in now , ’ he said .
27 Travel — Holidays On The Move : On an old boat to Luxor Tom Pocock cruises down the Nile and finds himself becoming an Egyptologist in a matter of days
28 The other outstanding performance is by Nicky Henson , who is on first-rate form as the actor who finds himself having to impersonate Alfred in Alfred 's presence .
29 This time , dad is a casually callous surgeon ( William Hurt ) , who finds himself being operated on within his own hospital .
30 Dundee 's Andy Nicol , to his astonishment , finds himself lining up against the All Blacks , having begun the season as the Scotland Students ' scrum-half with hopes , possibly at best , of a B-team cap .
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