Example sentences of "[be] sitting [prep] the back " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll be sitting at the back and I do n't want anybody showing up the firm , asking questions , telling tales , you get my meaning ? ’
2 I 'm sitting at the back
3 Although he had been fortunate to have been sitting at the back of the coach he received a fractured spine .
4 They have been sitting in the back of the mini-van , swapping football scores and smoking cigarettes .
5 ‘ Has anyone seen Christine or Robert King ? ’ she asked , turning to the others who were sitting at the back of the hall .
6 Well it 'll take fucking ages and it 'll be very uncomfortable for you , whoever 's sitting in the back .
7 Here it is seen on a private hire : Walter Luff is sitting at the back of the saloon .
8 Erm , what happens of course , is th that the lecture is brilliantly delivered , er , but , but , what happens is he , the chauffeur finishes two minutes early and the chairman , being excellent as a Chairperson , actually says , we have time for just one question , and er , someone stands up and asks the most dreadful question from the audience , and er , the chauffeur listens to the question , thinks , and th then says , that 's questions very easy , very easy indeed , that question is so easy , I 'm going to ask my chauffeur who is sitting at the back of the room
9 At the very last minute Nessie handed the pig bucket to Tim , who was sitting at the back with Kevin and the children ready to jump off at the road end .
10 I was sitting at the back of the 17th green at the Scottish Open this year watching the action .
11 At the end of the reading there was some consternation but Eliot , who was sitting at the back of the room , was heard to mutter , " It 's a good poem , it 's a very good poem " .
12 And er very straight-faced in fact , and she was sitting at the back of the room , and I , I 'd just said to everybody , I said nobody here 's got a life purchased annuity , have they ?
13 Charles was sitting at the back of the hall with Malcolm Harris , and kept feeling the author tense as another of his speeches was chopped up and destroyed .
14 On Friday Madge Grimsilk was sitting at the back of the stalls again .
15 The severe turbulence , with the jet bucking up and down as it encountered windshear , had Myeloski wishing he was sitting in the back .
16 It was only when he was sitting in the back of the car that he actually thought of the risk he was taking .
17 Twenty minutes later she was sitting in the back of her big black car , drinking a cup of coffee and talking to the Chief of Airport Police on the car telephone .
18 ‘ She was sitting in the back of this car , all dressed up , and I remember saying to her , ‘ You do n't have to do this , you know ’ .
19 The van , being driven by David William Crease , 21 , went out of control on a straight stretch of unclassified road , crushing Mr Chapman who was sitting in the back .
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