Example sentences of "[be] far removed from the " in BNC.

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1 They are far removed from the language of science .
2 These bodies are often called company councils , employee councils , advisory councils as well as works councils and as yet are far removed from the works councils elsewhere in Europe .
3 The dilemma of sex determination may at first seem to be far removed from the real business of the legal world .
4 The meanings thus arrived at would be far removed from the realms of mysticism and superstition , and be wholly free from the false claims of unchallengeable truth attributed to so-called holy scripture .
5 This will be Cantona 's first visit to Hillsborough since he snubbed Wednesday , and his reception will be far removed from the hero worship of Elland Road or Old Trafford.Fergie will need all his powers of communication to prevent him being French fried in the face of hostility he is unlikely to have encountered before .
6 What either of these methods might produce would not be far removed from the Silhouette ‘ tipsheet ’ for authors .
7 Similarly , in the case of a local authority , formal authority to make decisions will rest with the full council ; but in reality it may well be that power is in the hands of a few councillors and chief officers such that the locus of decision making may be far removed from the full council meeting .
8 Such attitudes were far removed from the world of the fictional Sir Joseph Bowlem in Dickens 's Chimes short story who boasted ‘ I allow nothing to be carried over into the New Year ; every description of account is settled in this house at the close of the old one ’ , and the real life employee of Manders the Wolverhampton paintmakers who scribbled on the flyleaf of a 1896 catalogue :
9 Here also , as we have seen , the sources of the greenstone were far removed from the densest areas of settlement and the material could be obtained by the inhabitants of the North Island only by more or less hazardous routes .
10 Andreeva called for an assessment of all party and state leaders , including Stalin , from a class and political standpoint , not on the basis of abstract moralising by people who were far removed from the period concerned .
11 The TUC 's plans for the part of the economy which it did not want to nationalise were far removed from the anti-trust policy which the coalition was considering .
12 His criticism of Lévy-Bruhl for overstressing the distance between the savage and the modern mind shows that for Eliot the two were linked , but Lévy-Bruhl 's stress on the different , apparently unreasonable nature of the savage leads to the modern Sweeney whose world is far removed from the sweet reason of Emerson .
13 The Wolds , a remand centre at Brough , North Humberside , is far removed from the insanitary conditions which prevail at many jails .
14 But the style is far removed from the monster Messiahs , with huge choirs and muddy orchestral accompaniments , still favoured until the middle of this century .
15 This kind of drama for practice in expressing and communicating emotions is far removed from the functioning behaviour required in the game of drama , where the participants ' concentration is not on whether he or she is signalling an emotion but with getting on with solving whatever problem is to hand .
16 This is far removed from the commercial emphasis of the LDDC in its early development .
17 Some of the diction — ‘ thou rugged Pile ! ’ ( line 1 ) is certainly not ‘ the language of men ’ , and there is a cumbrous elegance about the ‘ wit ’ of which is far removed from the simplicity which Wordsworth is thought to exemplify .
18 She seems to live in a comfy old-fashioned world which is far removed from the reality with which most women have to struggle .
19 Don Giovanni , though technically an opera buffa , is far removed from the light-hearted comedy of Figaro , in which characters change clothes , hide in cupboards and jump out of windows .
20 ‘ Northumberland is far removed from the civilised air of your school in the south , my darling .
21 What is wrong is that the punishment is far removed from the problem behaviour it is intended to curb .
22 Because of this , much of the empirical evidence on parent-child support betrays a sense of wariness and carefulness about offering and accepting such support , which is far removed from the idea that it is the most natural thing in the world for parents and children to support each other .
23 The third child gives an explanation which is far removed from the truth .
24 In such contexts , organizational decision-making is far removed from the ideal image of planning , organizing , motivating and controlling so beloved of classical management theorists .
25 At the unit , Gordon has created an environment which is far removed from the sterility of those wards .
26 This style is far removed from the Japanese systems he once practised .
27 Actually what is now taken to be the normal and basic meaning of the English word " family " is far removed from the meaning it carried in earlier times when the economic basis of English society was different .
28 However , the content is far removed from the children 's lives .
29 Something of the kind seems to have happened in the case of the European communist parties ; thus Santiago Carrillo ( 1977 ) , in the passage quoted earlier , says plainly that ‘ the political system established in Western Europe … is in essentials valid ’ , and this is far removed from the outlook of some earlier Marxists — and of the members of a few left-wing groupuscules even today — who talk about ‘ smashing the bourgeois state ’ .
30 In the Regional Council 's view , the appeal proposal is contrary to those terms , in that the development would precipitate unnecessary , excessive resource commitment in schools resources and to a degree that is far removed from the ‘ cost effective use of infrastructure investments ’ .
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