Example sentences of "[be] singled [adv prt] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fear of encroachments by the government or the armed forces on the liberty of the subject , coupled with a feeling that it was unjust that one particular group should be singled out for treatment in this way , combined to defeat all such suggestions .
2 The Microfilm fx 's documentation must be singled out for praise , it was the clearest and most comprehensive .
3 In case you fail to appreciate the lustre of this honour , I should point out that you have to do something pretty dreadful to be singled out for vilification in a sermon .
4 Although the Nigeria debate was a relative success after a year of criticism , its significance was not lost on Law : it was held on the subject central to Unionist economic attitudes ; Law and Steel-Maitland were singled out for censure , a pointer to the level of party discontent Party feeling had built up much as Law 's own had done ; having fought off the direct attack , he took the party along with him in the effort to reconstruct the government on more businesslike lines .
5 Thus , tenants were singled out for protection regarding rent levels and security , but mere licensees were excluded from this .
6 Two of his country houses , Eshton Hall , Yorkshire ( 1825–7 ) , and Underley Hall near Kirkby Lonsdale ( 1825–8 ) , are amongst the very earliest examples of this idiom , as well as being notably accomplished productions which were singled out for praise in Specimens of the Details of Elizabethan Architecture ( 1839 ) , by Henry Shaw [ q.v . ] .
7 There was some concern expressed at the Director being singled out for criticism , but the Chief Officer considered that the criticism was necessary ‘ since it was the leadership which was stifling academic development and progress ’ .
8 And it was suggested that the closure programme had not been properly thought out , resulting in some homes being singled out for closure which should be kept open .
9 The process by which the fittest are singled out for survival is natural selection .
10 The differential is even greater when pedestrian fatalities are singled out for analysis ; and significant class discrepancies have also been observed for specific types of non-fatal accident , such as burns and scalds .
11 How very conceited to assume that , out of all the billions of billions of planets in the universe , our own little backwater of a world , in our own local backwater of a solar system , in our own local backwater of a galaxy , should have been singled out for life ?
12 Once parliament had given its assent to the war and Edward 's prospective companions in arms had been singled out for honours , Edward set about mobilizing the financial support he needed .
13 South Korean boats fishing for tuna have been singled out for blame .
14 The Kuwaiti government consistently denied that Palestinians had been singled out for arrest and punishment .
15 Cranston claimed that his relationship with Keating was essentially no different from that of the other four senators , but that , because he was suffering from cancer and had announced his intention not to seek re-election on the expiry in 1992 of his current term , he had been singled out for sanction as a " scapegoat " .
16 Radio 4 's Today is singled out for attack .
17 The group is warning Borders Regional Council to expect vigorous opposition whenever a school is singled out for review .
18 The speedy ‘ wash-out ’ effect that set in showed clearly how unrealistic it is to expect the developmental course to be changed when just one period is singled out for attention and no effort is made to follow up that experience and integrate it in an individual 's total life pattern .
19 But in the devastating Resolution of 1948 , the Sixth was singled out for criticism and removed from the repertoire .
20 But no one newspaper was singled out for criticism over coverage of the tour .
21 The USA was singled out for criticism over " its unneighbourly actions against Cuba " and urged to lift its economic embargo .
22 At the Strasbourg meeting of signatories of the Berne wild life convention , Britain was singled out for criticism over the Canford Heath development .
23 However , no one newspaper was singled out for criticism .
24 And although Eliot was only one member of a jury which included among others Robert Lowell , W. H. Auden , Conrad Aiken and Katherine Anne Porter , he was singled out for abuse : in fact , he seemed to receive more than Pound himself .
25 He carried on playing despite the pain and was singled out for praise by coach Berbizier who thanked him for his dedication and courage .
26 Of his early paintings little is known , as he destroyed most of them between 1941 and 1944 , although as early as 1934 a crucifixion exhibited in a Curzon Street basement was singled out for praise by the critic Herbert Read .
27 Stephen Morrow played at left back against Albania and was singled out for praise by Bingham .
28 One of those mines in North Wales was singled out for praise by American consultants Boyds .
29 The restoration was singled out for praise in 1986 when it was highly commended by the Association of Railway Preservation Societies .
30 The restoration was singled out for praise in 1986 when it was highly commended by the Association of Railway Preservation Societies .
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