Example sentences of "[be] summed [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 It is not possible to establish , even in the broadest terms , educational needs for the present , or the immediate future , without taking into account the fundamental economic and social changes which are summed up in the phrase , ‘ a post-industrial society ’ .
2 Pancks 's habit of puffing and snorting , and his bustling ways around his employer are summed up in the steam-tug and barge image that CD repeatedly uses to describe them .
3 All the Jewish hopes and thoughts of the Messiah are summed up in the words of the angel .
4 These purposes are those most readily associated with the objectives of the positive state which emerged towards the end of the nineteenth century and which are summed up in the idea of government as institution which promotes progressive evolutionary change .
5 ‘ Jesus stresses that love of God and love of one 's neighbour are summed up in the Ten Commandments .
6 At the root of this divide , as Pugin and Dickens both perceive , lie mechanical production and the profit motive , both of which are reflected in many details of the drawing , and are summed up in the subject of the lecture , advertised by the ‘ Mechanicks Institute ’ , ‘ on a new designing machine capable of making 1000 changes with the same set of ornaments ’ .
7 His feelings about the latter are summed up in the phrase ‘ God does not play dice . ’
8 These typical senses of the infinitive are summed up in the table below : The bare infinitive is therefore no less versatile than the to infinitive in being able to express a happening as real or only potential , which is not surprising given the fact that the to infinitive is composed of the preposition to + the bare infinitive .
9 ‘ Our success , ’ says Denis Galway , Director and General Manager , ‘ can be summed up in the ability to offer customers , old and new , the right facilities and service at the right price . ’
10 Denis Galway , Director and General Manager of Larne Harbour Limited , explains : ‘ Our success can be summed up in the ability to offer customers , old and new , the right facilities and service at the right price .
11 But the COS had refused to acknowledge the role of economic forces with respect to character , justifying J. A. Hobson 's jibe that their philosophy could be summed up in the phrase ‘ character is the condition of conditions ’ .
12 Guild members are not content with the position in the cooperative world which may be summed up in the saying of the man ‘ My wife and I are one , and I am that one ’ .
13 The movement that began with Greek sculpture rapidly added other new areas of study to the familiar territories of language and literature , issuing in a serious concern not simply with " the classics " , but with ancient civilization in all its aspects : aspects that might well centre on the " facts " of ancient life , its physical relics , its customs and institutions : all of which to be summed up in the German word Realien .
14 These can be summed up in the words of the Royal Society 's working party on Girls and Mathematics :
15 One important global issue can be summed up in the now widely used expression ‘ limits to growth ’ .
16 These various factors which influence the value of an option may be summed up in the following functional statement : .
17 This idea of historical study as the rigorous combination of knowledge and method is central to any defence of a key position for history in the curriculum of the 1990s , and may best be summed up in the term " historical literacy " .
18 The British contribution to the philosophy of free speech might be summed up in the Duke of Wellington 's phrase , " publish and be damned " .
19 Early in the thirteenth century the aspirations of the knightly class were summed up in the Life of William the Marshal , a great man who , had he lived in the twentieth century , might have made his choice between being a high civil servant and a champion professional boxer .
20 My own ideas about creativity were summed up in the Verbal Arts Manifesto which I wrote with Anne Cluysenaar and Alan Young in 1982 .
21 Their findings were summed up in the feasibility study published in February 1986 , which predicted a minimum weekly sale of 800,000 and a maximum of 1.5 million .
22 Official perspectives of this kind were summed up in the ‘ Programmatic Declaration ’ adopted by the 28th Party Congress in July 1990 .
23 He emphasized what is summed up in the title of Simone Weil 's book which Eliot would later preface , The Need for Roots .
24 The contrast between sluggish ANC and dynamic ruling party is summed up in the fates of their old leaders , each of whom suffered a stroke in 1989 .
25 But the purpose of all this is summed up in the phrase : ‘ that we … might be for the praise of is glory ’ ( v 12 ) .
26 His view of the Christ is summed up in the divine song called the ‘ Nunc Dimittis ’ ( Luke 2:29–32 ) .
27 Mr Eyre 's thesis is summed up in the title of a chapter called ‘ Acting Properly ’ .
28 The essence of it is summed up in the old proverb : " Give a man a fish and he is satisfied for a day : teach him how to fish and he will be satisfied for the rest of his life . "
29 It is summed up in the words of Paul about his planned arrival in Rome :
30 According to the SD report itself , the main interest of the population in Hitler 's speech lay in his assessment of the military situation in the east , and the generalized response to the ‘ prophecy ’ passage was summed up in the single sentence quoted above .
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