Example sentences of "[be] to assume that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was lively enough to marry Bellow to a ‘ stylish Radcliffe graduate ’ of whom Roth had been ‘ enamoured ’ — if we are to assume that The Facts has not imagined the connection .
2 A reasonable starting point may be to assume that the process will vary for individuals and for different types of text .
3 However , this example serves to emphasize how misleading it can be to assume that the breeding sex ratio necessarily reflects the extent to which male reproductive success varies for , even among closely related species , it is likely to be the case that males have substantially longer breeding lifespans in monogamous species than in polygynous ones ( see Wiley , 1974 ; Clutton-Brock et al . ,
4 Not all were as moderate as Somerset 's , with its stress on equality ; the title of one of the others , Nicholas Bodrugan 's Epitome of the title that the Kynges Maiestie of Englande hath to the souereigntie of Scotland , shows how willing the English were to assume that the Scots could be persuaded to accept a union of unequal partners .
5 The mistake that Jencks makes is to assume that the changes in the political settlement will be led from the top by George Bush , and will precede the war .
6 The opposite style is to assume that the communication should be limited to exactly what there is to be communicated and that all else risks blurring the communication .
7 The change he makes is to assume that the laws of motion obeyed by the particles constituting an isolated system are non-invertible : that is , that the same dynamical state at a given time can be reached from two or more different dynamical states at some earlier time .
8 The easiest way to deal with the situation and the one which causes least problems to the students is to assume that the wages paid in 1989 and the materials used in 1989 were charged in 1989 .
9 There is no military-industrial complex because to define the enhanced role of the military in this way is to assume that the reason for this development is the desire of the military and industry to work together .
10 The mistake , of either party , is to assume that the coalition will continue for other issues .
11 A standard fault is to assume that the reader is familiar with the jargon which the designer habitually uses .
12 Another popular misconception is to assume that the types of funding and service offered by different lenders are virtually identical — all you have to do is discover who is willing to lend you money and then compare interest rates .
13 A common fault into which candidates fall is to assume that the mention of a topic in the question is an indication that the examiner wants to know everything about that and related subjects .
14 One way the model was altered was to assume that the mantle part of the lithosphere stretches by a greater amount than the crust during extension ( Fig. 4.17(B) ) .
15 The geneticists ' error was to assume that the biographies were ‘ real ’ and were the primary cause and origin of the written literary text .
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