Example sentences of "[conj] replacing [pron] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 But there will be cost involved , I think about eighteen thousand , over the course of that year , in sustaining that contract rather than replacing it with a new tender .
2 The upper floors of the storage shed were also at inconvenient levels and the discovery of wholesale decay in this joisted construction supported a policy of removing these elements and replacing them with a new upper-floor set at a level which could be extended into the roundels to give adequate headroom in the new ground-storey rooms , while ensuring that the four upper-storey bedrooms located in these projections had a sufficiently deep vertical wall surface to accommodate conventional windows .
3 This has the effect of eliminating from our daily lives all those negative influences , problems and restrictions and replacing them with the seeds of positive plans , happiness and an expansive and creative mind .
4 He wanted to marry her , but she laughed at him too , and said she had already made her choices and they did not include giving up her God and replacing him with a somewhat vulgar and certainly brutal man .
5 With the election due on Oct. 27 , the latest date allowed by the Constitution , the party took a final desperate gamble by persuading Palmer to resign in September [ see pp. 37716-17 ] and replacing him with the more dynamic Mike Moore .
6 Experienced PC users can deal with the Trojan by using software tools to make the new Autoexec.Bat file visible and read/write , before deleting and replacing it with a correct version .
7 Removing a plug of turf with the planter and replacing it with a pot-grown cowslip takes seconds .
8 We will fight terrorism by every lawful means , repealing the counter-productive Prevention of Terrorism Act and replacing it with a measure which is more effective and genuinely acceptable in a democratic society .
9 By the way , the ‘ box ’ had a had a hole in it ; disconnecting it from the air intake manifold and replacing it with a blank plug seems to have solved our original problem with no immediately apparent side-effects .
10 There are a number of reasons for breaking the existing cycle , and replacing it with a system in which people would work for so many hours a month , not necessarily as many as at present .
11 The reactive species thus formed will ‘ insert ’ into a carbon-hydrogen bond — breaking the original bond and replacing it with a carbon-metal and a carbon-hydrogen bond .
12 The Second World War set back Stalin 's hopes of completely rebuilding Moscow and replacing it with a new Soviet city , centrally planned and co-ordinated like the economy .
13 As casualties occur you can remove any of the models fighting and replace them with any models from a rearward rank — so you can change the ratio of nets to clubs by , say removing a club and replacing it with a net .
14 It is therefore investigating ways of updating its membership system and replacing it with a more sophisticated means of holding members ' names , addresses and other information , the idea being that in future members receive only what interests them .
15 A letter from G. Espin to Councillor Fraser re the waste of public money in erecting a new wire fence on the footpath between Baberton Mains Estate and Juniper Green and in a few days ripping it out and replacing it with a chestnut type wooden fence .
16 Should , for any reason , a sheet become damaged in service it is simple to replace a Rockwell sheet by unscrewing the damaged sheet and replacing it with a new one .
17 In RENFE , collective bargaining over the past decade or so has basically been a process of dismantling the framework of Francoist labour regulation and replacing it with a series of negotiated agreements .
18 He said the Tories were destroying the national character of the health service and were intent on breaking it up and replacing it with an American-style system that owed more to accountants than doctors .
19 He said the Tories were destroying the national character of the health service and were intent on breaking it up and replacing it with an American-style system that owed more to accountants than doctors .
20 In view of this high cost , he wondered if Members would consider omitting the residence and replacing it with the Colonial Office .
21 In animals , the term is also used for the technique of inactivating the nucleus of an egg and replacing it with the nucleus of a body cell .
22 In practice a few frogs have been produced by killing the egg nucleus by ultraviolet irradiation , and replacing it with the nucleus from a cell of the gut of a tadpole .
23 The Conservatives successfully mounted a campaign which linked welfare scroungers , individualism , anti-collectivism , breaking the dependency culture and replacing it with the enterprise culture , trade unionists as criminals , moral decline , the need for personal responsibility and personal discipline .
24 You can do the same thing on a computer file , deleting each phonetic entry and replacing it with the phonemic transcription or an orthographic one .
25 Even though open systems may be able to meet requirements at a lower cost than perhaps the traditional proprietary systems , if you 've already paid for the traditional proprietary system , clearly there is no saving to be made by throwing it away and replacing it with the equivalent functionality on new technology .
26 I believe that the public want us to get on with abolishing the community charge and replacing it with the council tax .
27 Now the new pope , Innocent , was escorted to the front of the basilica where on a platform in full view of the people , he was crowned with the tiara , the senior deacon ( i.e. the archdeacon ) removing the mitre from the pope 's head and replacing it with the tiara .
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