Example sentences of "[conj] replaced [pron] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The new tone was set in the early hours of Friday when a broken-hearted bearded man of radical inclinations tore down his Labour posters and replaced them with a single bleak statement which , curiously , he must have had printed before the election .
2 Not the clankings and gratings of the Zoo which lay off in the distance to his right , now obscured by the trees over which he had flown in the night , but the call of a thousand birds whose busyness and life shook his fears off him for a time and replaced them with a sense of wonder .
3 By 1st April 1990 , one year later , the Government will have abolished domestic rates and replaced them with a tax called the Community Charge or Poll Tax .
4 The Act abolished the school boards and replaced them with a system of local education authorities based on the county and county borough councils of the 1880 Local Government Act .
5 Kuroda advocates the training of farmers in modern pest control methods , like those successfully applied by Indonesia , which in the mid-1980s banned pesticides such as those being donated to Cambodia and replaced them with a programme of integrated pest management ( IPM ) , which aims to exploit the natural weaknesses of a pest and shift the balance in favour of its predators .
6 The Act abolished the ten categories of handicap identified under the 1945 Handicapped pupils and School Health Regulations ( DES 1945 ) and replaced them with the concept of ‘ special educational need ’ .
7 Something similar happened in Vienna later , when the Emperor Franz Josef ordered the removal of the city 's walls , and replaced them with the famous Ring , with its parks , university , public buildings and what is now the Vienna State Opera .
8 Unionists were therefore beside themselves with joy when the Canadian electorate removed Laurier from office in September 1911 and replaced him with a Conservative , Sir Robert Borden , who now repudiated reciprocity .
9 ‘ We got rid of an old woman and replaced him with a younger one , ’ Fergus said , mouth turned down at the corners , staring over his whisky tumbler and across the room to where his wife was talking to Antonia .
10 Pramual dismissed Bank of Thailand governor Kamchorn Sathirakul on March 6 , 1990 , and replaced him with the deputy governor , Chavalit Thanachanan .
11 On Dec. 4 Kaunda dismissed his Defence Minister , Lt. Gen. Hannaniah Lungu and replaced him with the former Deputy Defence Minister , Dodson Siatalimi .
12 She took the cigarette stub from her holder and replaced it with a fresh one .
13 And then when all the others went , ’ Mrs Hollidaye carried on talking as she removed Loopy Lil 's empty porridge bowl and replaced it with a plate piled high with toast , ‘ Lilian was the only one who stayed .
14 Chéron took it off and replaced it with a poem by Baudelaire , considering that he had elevated the tone .
15 Despite signing the odd turkey , in the uncharacteristically naive belief that if they were English they must be good , Souness dismantled the old Ibrox Calvinism , and replaced it with a corporate attitude finely attuned to the modern world .
16 ‘ It 's like doing a jigsaw and making your own pieces up ’ , said Mrs Joel as she deftly removed a petal that was too large and replaced it with a smaller one .
17 I removed the foam pad and replaced it with a mat of the same size and thickness out of filter wool .
18 He erased all the existing data and replaced it with a single line written in capital letters : TO BE TERMINATED AFTER THE ASSASSINATION OF JAMEL MOBUTO .
19 In the first case ( Anderton v. Burnside ) the defendant had removed the price label from a joint of meat and replaced it with a label showing a lesser price which he had removed from another joint .
20 In November 1991 the Council repealed Regulation 3796/81 on the common organization of the market in fish products and replaced it with a new , consolidated regulation , Regulation 3687/91 .
21 He may have told you we 've now handed over the Nissan Sunny to John and replaced it with a new bright-red Micra ( the one with the cuddly toy-car image ) .
22 The law abolished the Council of Ministers and replaced it with a 16-member Cabinet , headed by Byambasuren .
23 Two days later , in emergency session , the Supreme Soviet accepted the resignation of the government of Prime Minister Oleg Yesayan , and replaced it with a Defence Committee , which was invested with governmental authority until the end of the war .
24 In revolutionary France the Legislative Assembly set up in October 1791 a permanent diplomatic committee before which the foreign minister could be called to account ; and this process was pushed to its logical conclusion when in April 1794 the Convention abolished the ministry of foreign affairs and replaced it with a Commission of Foreign Relations subject to the Committee of Public Safety .
25 In July 1830 the French overthrew the main line of the Bourbon dynasty and replaced it with a cadet branch represented by King Louis Philippe .
26 She said : ‘ We are trying to re-establish the Lord Mayoralty as it was before the city had its pantomime period , ’ a reference to the time the Militant-dominated council abolished the position of Lord Mayor and replaced it with a Labour chairman .
27 A chill mist was rising through the woodland as he lifted the open can away from the heat and replaced it with the water container .
28 The announcement came in a Commons written reply by the roads minister , Kenneth Carlisle , but by that time most of the UK 's 9000 test stations had already halted the test and replaced it with the old visual check for excess smoke .
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