Example sentences of "[conj] we confine ourselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even if we confine ourselves for the moment to the late sixth and fifth centuries B.C. , when the options were more limited , the road of the Rhone was not the only route for traffic between Celts and Greeks .
2 If we confine ourselves to explanations couched in the vocabulary of physics or neurochemistry , then we are going to lose , or fail to formulate , a vitally important set of generalizations about human behaviour , and science will never be able to explain or predict behaviour in a satisfactory way .
3 Nevertheless , species are real things , with real discontinuities between them — at least if we confine ourselves to sexual organisms living in the same place at the same time .
4 Even if we confine ourselves to the more usual outlets for creative expression — in the arts and sciences — there is similar ambiguity .
5 Even if we confine ourselves to the difference of aim between reformist and revolutionary parties ( or of social movements , which can be classified in a similar way ) , the distinction can not always be made in an absolutely clear-cut fashion .
6 Predation between invertebrates if we confine ourselves in the macro sense and exclude zooplankton feeding invertebrates is mainly due to mobile forms attacking and feeding upon sessile forms .
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