Example sentences of "[be] [verb] a raw deal " in BNC.

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1 Moby , Prodigy , N-Joi , Altern 8 and Shades Of Rhythm , they reckon , are given a raw deal by a blinkered establishment media .
2 When the cameras had long since departed , I was left to carry the can and answer any angry participants who felt they had been given a raw deal .
3 A new generation of canny investors who have inherited family fortunes will quickly switch banks if they think they are getting a raw deal .
4 This is thought to be widespread , and is causing institutional investors , big holders of junk from the late 1980s , to complain that they are getting a raw deal .
5 SO Irish Americans think Ulster Catholics are getting a raw deal .
6 We must recognise that they are getting a raw deal and are being victimised by the Government .
7 The families of children with learning difficiulties are getting a raw deal , according to a national children 's charity .
8 POLICYHOLDERS with some of the country 's biggest insurance firms are getting a raw deal as premiums rise steeply , Labour claimed today .
9 ‘ Customers are getting a raw deal and have a right to be angry .
10 No wonder they were getting a raw deal .
11 The article went on to say that staff employed in the tourist industry were getting a raw deal , and that the government should take a hard line and introduce new legislation on taxation for the hotel industry .
12 I just thought Blagg was getting a raw deal .
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