Example sentences of "[pron] walked along [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I walked along to the door and turned the handle .
2 With a sigh , for things vaguely wrong with her life , she walked along to the lounge where she found Feargal 's mother .
3 She walked along to the little café , where at least the umbrellas and the plane trees gave some shade .
4 She walked along by the shops , and stopped when she came to a door with ‘ Madame Eloise — Hair ’ on it .
5 We walked along beside the wheels until the end of the train was in sight and finally walked past the dining car and at the end of it swung upwards through its rear door into the scene of operations .
6 ‘ Last year , ’ said Kāli , as we walked along behind the houses , ‘ Mother and one or two other women started before the forest was officially opened — before ban pasāi — and people were so angry that they made the women 's husbands go to the headman and pay a fine of five rupees each . ’
7 They walked along by the river .
8 They walked along by the harbour , where the tall masts and the draped fishing nets made a dramatic backcloth as the men prepared for their nightly trip out , working on the nets and the sailing gear by the light of lanterns , and with much singing and swearing and good-natured banter .
9 Flames and smoke from nearby chestnut-sellers and the bare-chested fire-eaters flickered and drifted into the dark grey sky , and Meredith just hung on to Lucenzo , lost for words , overwhelmed by the volume of sound , the bustle , the glamour , as they walked along beneath the arched walkway of the Procuratie Nuove .
10 I recall Hamish in one of his writings saying that as he walked along on the way to his next objective he was reading a paperback novel — how more blinkered than that can you get ! ?
11 It was hard to see and he touched the stones as he walked along by the wall .
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