Example sentences of "[pron] 's [been] wait for " in BNC.

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1 Today Cynthia Coles got the news she 's been waiting for .
2 No , it was the last you know the dramatic end that everybody who 's been waiting for watching that film from seven o'clock till
3 Since then he 's been waiting for him higher up on various tracks .
4 He told Husband he 'd have to consult with the rest of the private Office and maybe even the PM before he could agree to them interrogating you ; he may actually be doing that , for all I know , though I think it 's more likely he 's been waiting for his temper to cool before he briefs you .
5 He 's been waiting for the past half-hour . ’
6 His twice broken kneecap still bears the scars — for Lawrence today was the test he 's been waiting for .
7 He 's been waiting for you to come off , ai n't I Yun ?
8 It 's the moment everyone 's been waiting for .
9 Look out for our EXCLUSIVE PLAYABLE DEMO of the game everyone 's been waiting for , next month …
10 This is what everyone 's been waiting for .
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