Example sentences of "[pron] full support [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I begin by joining my right hon. Friend the Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) in lending my full support to the Prime Minister in everything that he said , and in giving my full support to the motion — although I fear that my right hon. Friend the Member for Finchley and I may not be able to agree on other matters , with which I shall deal later .
2 I begin by joining my right hon. Friend the Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) in lending my full support to the Prime Minister in everything that he said , and in giving my full support to the motion — although I fear that my right hon. Friend the Member for Finchley and I may not be able to agree on other matters , with which I shall deal later .
3 On Jan. 27 the Pakistan government announced for the first time its full support for the UN peace plan [ see p. 38194 ] and the conference , and called upon the mujaheddin to follow its lead .
4 Vietnam announced its full support for the declaration as did ASEAN 's Western dialogue partners and .
5 His full support for the anti-Saddam coalition has not been universally popular : hence his latest diplomatic effort , which he must hope will still redound to his credit and give the Soviet Union a useful base on which to build a role in the post-war Middle East .
6 In an interview with NIN ( 27 December 1987 ) , Professor Smiljković announced his full support for the new political trend in Serbia , and in particular for ‘ differentiation ’ , the rooting out of ‘ opportunism ’ , and the replacement of old cadres by new ones .
7 Kelly , however , moved swiftly to give the beleaguered Taylor his full support for the time being at least .
8 Bishop Gray gave his full support to the work going on in many of the schools and parishes , and expressed a wish that the programme would be quickly at the heart of all our schools .
9 But Mr Chirac promised that he would give his full support to the government , expressing criticism only in private to Mr Balladur .
10 Mr Thompson has also given his full support to the North West Olympic bid .
11 A strong supporter of the Stewarts in his early years , he was knighted by Charles II , but when the Stewart King , James II and VII was deposed in favour of Prince William of Orange , Dalrymple found no difficulty in throwing his full support behind the new King William .
12 Frank Pignatelli , Strathclyde 's director of education , said last night : ‘ We will be lending our fullest support to the CRE and will be very keen to take forward any of the suggestions that arise from their investigation .
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