Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] far as possible " in BNC.

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1 The object sought is an ever more accurate understanding of Community legal texts and an interpretation which as far as possible ensures harmony between national and Community provisions .
2 Perhaps I should start by telling you something I 'll not be talking about and that is the subject of financial resources and how Lynda 's getting on in her discussions with chief secretary , I do n't suppose that comes to you as any surprise but I shall I not be talking on that but let me say that we remain committed strongly to a substantial aid programme which as far as possible is directed towards the poorest countries .
3 It is important that this potentially very valuable approach safeguards itself so far as possible against misinterpretation : in particular , that the content of religious belief does not really matter , that knowledge of religious tradition is unimportant , and that any opinions and beliefs are acceptable so long as they are sincerely held .
4 Others , and particularly the teachers , may seem too busy with their classes for the head to ask them to share this part of the school work-load , there is a shortage of clerical support , the heads want to be seen as in charge of everything as far as possible , and so on .
5 A young child faced with a row of cups and a pile of saucers might have no other way of finding whether he has enough saucers to put with the cups than to match them as far as possible , one-to-one .
6 The easiest and most commonly used method was to ignore them as far as possible .
7 Here it is important with all clients including elderly people to involve them as far as possible in the advocacy process , otherwise the client may end up feeling even more powerless , while some determined advocacy is undertaken on his/her behalf .
8 It also demonstrates that the findings of research support a coherent policy to identify family needs at times of stress and develop services and good practice to match them as far as possible .
9 It would seem sensible , therefore , to try and avoid using them as far as possible .
10 I put one foot on his shoulder and as I climbed up , making room for him , he raised himself and finally stood on the platform , helping me as far as possible .
11 He was not a tall man and was soon almost dwarfed by his five lively , wryly humorous sons , who avoided him as far as possible and could not leave home soon enough .
12 The fact that this revelation would doubtless be made in a context of privacy and confidentiality so as to insulate him as far as possible from the prying eyes of scandalmongers may not reduce his desire to put actual and legal distance between himself and his spouse .
13 Orphaned at a very early age , he is brought up ‘ by hand ’ by his shrewish sister , Mrs Joe , the wife of the village blacksmith , Joe Gargery , who loves him and protects him as far as possible from his sister 's tyranny .
14 She had chosen , he reflected aggrievedly , to ignore him as far as possible .
15 She exacerbates all his old anxieties and feelings of ambivalence towards ‘ mothers ’ , and because he can not cope , he defends himself by ignoring her as far as possible .
16 They were out in the street and making their way back to Cotton Lane , and Billy had obviously decided to walk beside her as far as possible .
17 When the person throws the ball , the batter hits it as far as possible and then sets off to run round the obstacle placed at right angles .
18 I belonged to them in the sense that when I was interested in something I tried to understand it as far as possible and , of course , even tried to make use of it .
19 After all , the stuff has to go somewhere : why not put it as far as possible from people , where it poses no threat to drinking water and little threat ( fisheries apart ) to food ?
20 Both groups have an interest in maintaining the capitalist system , but the professional-managerial class have an interest in maximizing its own independence or autonomy ; the ruling class , on the other hand , try to restrict it as far as possible .
21 It was a small shed , rather like a Dutch oven in shape , set well up into the prow to remove it as far as possible from the passengers ' cabins .
22 The prison inspectorate gives the project full support and urges the governor to continue to develop it as far as possible within the constraints of the Penninghame regime .
23 They use delinquent criteria in order to distance themselves as far as possible from conventional ones , and hence insulate themselves from a sense of failure .
24 Danquah 's evidence was somewhat defensive , even apologetic : Nkrumah felt that their intention was to distance themselves as far as possible from his pronouncements and actions .
25 If there is a good argument for producing your own acted scenes with non-actors , try to give them roles similar to their own in real life so that they can play themselves as far as possible .
26 Though I am resigning myself as far as possible to the will of God , you will surely find it quite human and natural that my tears almost prevent me from writing …
27 In such emergency situations your dog will be frightened anyway , and you will need to protect yourself as far as possible against being bitten .
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