Example sentences of "[adv] single out for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Your article on the problems of foreign-owned stockbrokers in Tokyo ( ‘ Gaijin , gaijin , gone ’ , December 22nd ) has caused considerable offence within Barclays and has quite unfairly and incorrectly singled out for attack one of our middle managers , Michael Tomalin .
2 While criticising the " too tenacious traditions of a unitarian state " , he also singled out for criticism individual regional leaders whom he accused of adopting laws at variance with those of the Russian Federation ( RF ) .
3 The brunt of the assault was directed at the USA , but also singled out for criticism were the European Communities ( EC ) , Australia , Canada , Hong Kong , Indonesia , South Korea , Singapore and Thailand .
4 Also singled out for praise were Francesco Bianchi Ferrari e la pittura a Modena fra ‘ 400 e ‘ 500 by Daniele Benati ; Palazzo Vecchio e dintorni .
5 Probably , in those days , I was a bit of an ideological innocent — shamingly , I even singled out for praise the ostentatiously populist action of one member of the national executive .
6 The BBC is particularly singled out for criticism for its recent coverage and the exclusion of senior Presbyterian Church figures from televised discussions on the worsening political situation and from a BBC radio debate on Church representation on education boards .
7 The jury 's verdict appeared to have resulted from the acceptance by some of its members that Barry had been unfairly singled out for prosecution , a central tenet of the mayor 's defence strategy .
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