Example sentences of "[prep] switching from [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 If to encourage recycling , should it not reflect the relative cost to industry of switching from virgin to recycled materials ?
2 The Central Electricity Generating Board estimated that achieving a 20 per cent cut through switching from coal to nuclear , gas and oil would require an additional capital expenditure of £12 billion .
3 However , whatever , the reason why I mention it , I do notice that Green Peace are thinking of , perhaps some members saw it in the press , did you , that Green Peace are making a formal complaint to the European Commission about switching from de-sulphurisation to importing low sulphur coal , and it may be something that we should focus in on as well .
4 Marek Dabrowski , a former deputy finance minister in Poland and an adviser to the Russian government , takes the argument to its logical conclusion : comparison with Poland 's experience in switching from communism to capitalism shows that the ailments afflicting Russia have not been caused by the imposition of shock therapy .
5 All that 's happened is that , in switching from rock to soul , agit-pop has shifted emphasis from denunciation to affirmation , or what has been called offensive optimism .
6 If energy saving is applied rigorously in homes and industry and the power stations clean up their act by switching from coal to other fuels or otherwise cutting their carbon emissions , transport seems set to take over as the biggest emitter of carbon dioxide in Western industrialized countries .
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