Example sentences of "[prep] replacing [pers pn] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The British initially negotiated with the Vichy authorities and showed no enthusiasm for replacing them with Free French officials , and in the end made belated concessions to appease Free French sensibilities .
2 This respondent was also concerned about the failure of social workers to work for rehabilitation , stating , ‘ There are lots of social workers who think it quite appropriate to take a child away from dodgy natural parents and work avidly towards replacing it with adoptive ones . ’
3 ‘ We 're in the process of replacing them with beta-carotene and the packaging will be changed to indicate that . ’
4 Kosovo was in favour of democratic centralism , Morina said , and against replacing it with multiparty elections , since pluralism would lead to dangerous divisions between nationalities .
5 Historical research has thus proved more successful in demolishing old myths and theories about the relationship between crime and social change than it has in replacing them with sustainable generalizations .
6 Having got rid of his shirts in this way , he was reduced to replacing them with crude garments made out of sacking .
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