Example sentences of "[prep] a far [adj] months " in BNC.

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1 [ See p. 37138 for this Aden meeting and publication on Dec. 1 of a draft joint constitution , requiring ratification by both parliaments within six months , and then endorsement by referendum after a further six months ; see p. 37266 for progress on unity in February 1990 . ]
2 After a further two months , Iran conducted another advance west of Mehran , which Baghdad duly reported as having been crushed .
3 The changes , effectively extending military rule for a further eight months , were not unexpected in the wake of the annulment of presidential primary elections on the grounds of widespread electoral malpractice , and the subsequent dissolution of the leadership of the two political parties [ p. 39130 ] .
4 This leaves unit holders with vague promises of release from investments they have already been locked into for over a month — and may well be for a further two months or more .
5 This leaves unit holders with vague promises of release from investments they have already been locked into for over a month — and may well be for a further two months or more .
6 in another few weeks hard work and you 'll feel very What I 'll do is if I give you a note for a further two months , and we can Is your job safe ?
7 In January 1990 the UN Security Council agreed to extend the mandate for a further two months of the detachment of 40 officers from 10 countries making up the UN Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan ( UNGOMAP ) , created to monitor the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan as well as other aspects of the Geneva Accords of 1988 .
8 A state of emergency in the Dnestr Republic had been extended for a further two months .
9 In Britain most people who are in full-time contracted employment receive full pay for six months , followed by half pay for a further six months , if they have a serious illness or accident which prevents them from working .
10 Parliament voted on Jan. 17 to renew for a further six months the state of emergency first imposed under the Ian Smith regime in 1965 [ see p. 21092 ] and regularly renewed since then .
11 On May 9 the Lok Sabha approved a resolution extending President 's rule for a further six months from May 11 [ President 's rule had first been imposed in May 1987 — see pp. 35247-48 — and had been renewed since at six-monthly intervals ] .
12 On Aug. 4 , 1989 , the Karnataka High Court upheld the constitutional validity of the imposition in April of President 's rule in the state [ see p. 36591 ] , and on Oct. 12 the Lok Sabha approved its extension for a further six months from Oct. 21 .
13 At the end of January the government confirmed that the proposed referendum on whether the temporary merger of the Northern and Eastern provinces should be made permanent [ see p. 36735 ] would be postponed for a further six months .
14 President 's rule was extended in Punjab for a further six months on April 5 when the bill proposing its extension was passed by the Lok Sabha ( lower house of Parliament ) .
15 The election date announcement on April 12 included confirmation of postponement to an unspecified later date , for security reasons , of polling in Punjab ( where president 's rule was formally extended on March 13 for a further six months — see above for need to pass constitutional amendment allowing this before Parliament was dissolved ) , in Assam , where president 's rule was also extended on March 13 for a further six months from the end of May , and in Jammu and Kashmir , president 's rule there having been extended for six more months from March 3 , as approved by Parliament on Feb. 27 .
16 The election date announcement on April 12 included confirmation of postponement to an unspecified later date , for security reasons , of polling in Punjab ( where president 's rule was formally extended on March 13 for a further six months — see above for need to pass constitutional amendment allowing this before Parliament was dissolved ) , in Assam , where president 's rule was also extended on March 13 for a further six months from the end of May , and in Jammu and Kashmir , president 's rule there having been extended for six more months from March 3 , as approved by Parliament on Feb. 27 .
17 On Aug. 26 the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha approved the extension of president 's rule in Jammu and Kashmir for a further six months from its expiry on Sept. 2 .
18 On Dec. 19 the Cabinet extended for a further six months from Dec. 31 the mandate of the multinational force deployed in the south and south-east of the country for the protection of Iraqi Kurds .
19 On March 18 the Lithuanian Supreme Council ( parliament ) extended for a further six months the direct rule imposed in September 1991 on the Vilnius and Salcininkai local regions [ see p. 38419 ] , and also voted to postpone fixing a date for elections to the local councils there .
20 On June 12 the UN Security Council renewed for a further six months , until Dec. 15 , 1992 , the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus ( UNFICYP ) .
21 The government announced its intention on Aug. 11 to extend president 's rule for a further six months , shelving plans for state assembly elect-ions .
22 It would then be replaced by The Prince of Wales 's Own Regiment of Yorkshire for a further six months .
23 The temporary ‘ window of opportunity ’ which has made gifts of works of art and other property to US museums fully tax deductible since January 1991 , has been extended for a further eighteen months from July .
24 On March 17 , after much debate , the renewal of the state of emergency for a further four months was approved by a parliamentary vote .
25 As a high level of violence continued in the south , the National Security Council ( NSC ) on June 23 renewed for a further four months from July 19 the state of emergency in force since 1987 in certain areas of the south ( subject to formal approval by the National Assembly ) .
26 Morrells hopes to hold the price of cask mild for a further 12 months .
27 The House of Commons on March 6 , 1990 , and the House of Lords on March 15 approved the continuance in force for a further 12 months of the provisions of the 1989 Prevention of Terrorism ( Temporary Provisions ) Act , which principally provided for the arrest without warrant and detention for a total of up to seven days of those suspected of involvement in terrorist offences [ see pp. 37098-99 ] .
28 The Commons and the Lords further approved on March 12 and March 19 respectively , the extension for a further 12 months of the emergency provisions and powers contained within the 1978 and 1987 Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Acts [ see p. 37099 for last 12-month extension ] .
29 A meeting of the International Coffee Council was held in London on Sept. 27 , but ended by voting only to renew the International Coffee Agreement for a further 12 months without either an export quota system ( suspended in July 1989 — see p. 36836 ) or price support mechanisms .
30 The Commons and the Lords on March 16 and 18 , 1991 , respectively approved the continuance in force for a further 12 months of the provisions of the 1978 and 1987 Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Acts [ see p. 37584 for previous year 's extensions ] .
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