Example sentences of "[adj] to note [conj] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is interesting to note that the Rooks which use elms as a high proportion of their nest sites in this region quickly move to other tree species when elms are removed .
2 It was interesting to note that the responses to the CRUS question as to whether a member of library staff was designated as training officer also indicated that title held is not necessarily indicative of time devoted to training .
3 It is interesting to note that the movements of the real exchange rates do seem to move around the level appropriate to a purchasing power parity explanation .
4 Finally , it is interesting to note that the polytechnics as a group are considering the creation of a central clearing house for applications by making use of the computer facilities and expertise of the Universities Central Council on Admissions ( UCCA ) .
5 Before considering another approach , it is interesting to note that the objectives broadly correspond to Sandmo 's ( 1976 ) introductory discussion of what might be meant by an optimal tax with the efficiency ( excess burdens ) approach being identified with the economist , the equity considerations with the ‘ man in the street ’ and the ‘ control ’ point with the tax administrator 's viewpoint .
6 It is interesting to note that the aspects of SSE which discriminated most strongly between respondents and non-respondents were to do specifically with the Oxfordshire scheme as it had operated in their school rather than with SSE as a general notion .
7 As a lighter-hearted tailpiece it is , perhaps , gratifying to note that the dogs here are already doing their best to hasten the processes of corrosion against this latest disproportionate and obnoxious implant .
8 It is important to note that the criteria range must not have any blank rows so reset it to be just a single row before giving the new Extract command .
9 It is important to note that the consonants that have undergone assimilation have not disappeared ; in the above examples , the duration of the consonants remains more or less what one would expect for a two-consonant cluster .
10 Although there is some truth in this relative deprivation argument , it is equally important to note that the pains of imprisonment are mitigated by pleasant recollections : to be doing ‘ a lot of bird ’ without having lived well seems far more futile and absurd that to be paying for the rich fruits that crime has already brought .
11 It is important to note that the contradictions are not in the appearance of material relations but in their concrete essence .
12 Before we do so , however , it is important to note that the issues about the point in a clause at which processing begins , and whether such processing is both syntactic and semantic , are independent .
13 In particular it is important to note whether the sets are open sets ( like the set of all nouns which is capable of being added to indefinitely ) or closed sets ( like the set of demonstratives ) .
14 In the light of the current debates on attribution surrounding both the paintings and drawings Martin Royalton-Kisch at the British Museum Prints and Drawings department , was pleased to note that the opinions expressed in his catalogue had generally been well-received and accepted , with less disagreement than might have been anticipated .
15 In this context it is also relevant to note that the rules of court expressly protect the confidentiality of all documents held by the court and limit their circulation to the parties , their legal representatives , the guardian ad litem or welfare officer and the Legal Aid Board ( FPCR , r23(1) ; FPR , r4.23(1) ) .
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