Example sentences of "[verb] to arrive at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The problem , we must make sure Ray does n't include the amount of time he nee extra he needs to arrive at every meeting half an hour early .
2 This principle instructs the hearer not to construct a context any larger than he needs to arrive at an interpretation .
3 At 1200 hrs on 23 May , 1st Guards Brigade put out a warning order that the Army commander was expected to arrive at the battalion HQ of 3rd Grenadier Guards at 1130 hrs the following morning , where he " wishes to see the Brigade commander and COs " .
4 This weekend hundreds are expected to arrive at the home of the Earls of Spencer — Althorp park in Northamptonshire .
5 A short time ago Bilal and Samir were expected to arrive at the hospital near Aylesbury .
6 In such a case , some form of conflict resolution must be adopted to arrive at a solution .
7 Dustin Hoffman plays Bernie La Plant , a small-time hustler who happens to arrive at the scene of an air crash and against his better instincts rescues everyone and then disappears .
8 If you started from the insect , and jumped like a demented flea half a trillion times , you could expect to arrive at the fox once .
9 I felt that no attempt was being made to arrive at an analysis of our situation based on the specificity of our experience as lesbians and gays .
10 There were so many people in the room that you could not pass a needle between them , so how it was that the Gypsy Kings , carrying large musical instruments and followed by a television crew , came to arrive at the dinner table unmaimed , must remain a mystery for ever .
11 I am now writing to confirm that we would like to arrive at the factory at 3.30 pm on 13 June and to briefly film two areas of the Kit-Kat production line : the cascade of finished and wrapped bars and the slower moving line of unwrapped bars .
12 The method we adopt to arrive at an answer will be peculiar to the enquiry ( or discipline ) we are exploring .
13 Failure to use these words can lead to a lot of confusion , and provide opportunities for awkward parties to obstruct a reference by questioning the procedure used to arrive at a result which they expect to be unfavourable .
14 Half a dozen of Chris Crackenthwaite 's apprentices pass down the street just as the girls begin to arrive at the Market Hall factory .
15 It 's going to arrive at the west of Kisangani before tomorrow , I think .
16 No doubt their slowness , coupled with the initial inertia of the judges , meant that the exhibition had to remain intact , seriously hampering preparations for the exhibition of models for the Wellington monument which began to arrive at the hall the day after the Government Offices exhibition closed .
17 However , by late 1206 , it is likely that Innocent sensed that Otto 's cause was lost , for in a letter of probably August 1206 to the patriarch of Aquileia , Philip is called princeps and no longer dux , but he proceeded cautiously , aiming to arrive at a point where he might arbitrate between the parties .
18 A product where the dosage must be finely calculated arithmetically from the instruction data provided to arrive at the quantity of product needed required more thought and more decisions than a product dispensed semi-automatically via a dispenser or one which is supplied ready for use .
19 Over the past 18 months the MCofS have attempted to arrive at the compromise statement on the contentious issue of bolting in Scotland .
20 As you say , it 's my wedding day tomorrow , I do n't want to arrive at the altar with my face in a mess . ’
21 Therefore try to arrive at the venue a day early .
22 Although in trying to arrive at a definition of schizophrenia much emphasis has been placed on the disturbances that are found in cognitive functioning ( perception , thinking , and attention ) , abnormal emotional response is almost universal .
23 For instance , when trying to arrive at an understanding of the Earth in space , children discussed some of the following , statements in groups .
24 The curtain went up at 2 pm , so the children had to arrive at the theatre at about 1.15 to get ready .
25 But , as I read the piece , I waited to arrive at a Government Health Warning , that sketching in court can seriously damage your reputation , not to mention your freedom !
26 But , as I read the piece , I waited to arrive at a Government Health Warning , that sketching in court can seriously damage your reputation , not to mention your freedom !
27 Whereas the language of a and b is quite straightforward and all you require to arrive at an interpretation are values for expressions being used to refer , you may feel that the language here is obscure , perhaps not even meaningful .
28 To get round the fact that the CSMA/CD carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection protocol prevents two nodes from transmitting data at the same time , so that video signals could get interrupted , isochronous Ethernet time-stamps the packets so they can be guaranteed to arrive at the recipient 's computer at the same time .
29 Curiously , Branson did not dislike McLaren — Malcolm 's transparently roguish charm made him hard to dislike — but he had never trusted him from the day they had first shaken hands in Leslie Hill 's office and McLaren had failed to arrive at the Virgin offices ; failed to keep his promise .
30 To claim your goodies , you need to arrive at the box office after 10.00am on the date of the film you want to see , bearing a copy of that day 's Independent .
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