Example sentences of "[verb] occurred [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Special circumstances are required to justify the er proposing the new settlement through the local plan structure planning process , and I believe that is exactly what has occurred over the last five years , and if I could just quickly run through paragraph thirty three of P P G three , and the your invitation for us to comment on the criteria set out there , first of all the first element , the ex the alternative must be erm seen to be a less satisfactory method of providing land for the new housing that is needed , that is the essence of what has occurred in the process which the County Council has undertaken over the last couple of years , all of the policy options available have been examined in great detail , have been subject to public consultation , public participation , d I believe clear view was that there were erm constraints operating on York which meant that not all of that additional development accommodated in the adjacent to the existing er York city villages surrounding York .
2 While no radical shift in the distribution of the British people at the macro-regional scale has occurred during the present century , the settlement pattern has displayed a dynamism that has proved difficult to forecast .
3 Intriguingly , such an inversion has occurred during the recent evolution of human chromosome 2 , being present in the chimpanzee precursor chromosome , but not in the related chromosomes of gorilla and orangutan ( 51 ) .
4 What the figure does not reveal is the shift in the balance that has occurred during the 1980s towards overseas securities , prompted initially by the relaxation of exchange controls in 1979 and encouraged subsequently by the strong performance of some overseas economies and stock-markets .
5 The Free Churches have made much use of the explosion of hymn writing which has occurred during the last thirty years and which crosses the boundaries of all denominations .
6 Mr Dryfe said : ‘ The violence which has occurred during the last several weeks outside the factory gates and the damage done to the property of several of our employees is deplorable .
7 So far , change has occurred without the chaotic excesses , random U-turns and destructive instability that have characterised communism 's demise in some other former Eastern Bloc states .
8 Frequently it is designed quickly in order to solve a problem that has occurred with the old system .
9 A radiation leak has occurred at the Russian nuclear power station at Sosnovy Bor , 60 miles west of St Petersburg .
10 At 22h AEL ( shown here ) , EJC amplitude indicates increased gluR synthesis has occurred at the aberrant NMJ as in later stages of normal synaptogenesis .
11 Periodic volcanism has occurred on the Kaapvaal craton in southern Africa since the Archaean era , and each episode will have modified the composition of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle in which the magmas were generated or through which they passed , or in other words caused mantle metasomatism .
12 The decline has occurred since the 1950s , but little of the mistletoe on sale came from British sources .
13 When my right hon. Friend meets the CBI in the north-east , will he try to explain away the inconsistency that has occurred in the Labour party ?
14 Simultaneously with the preparation of the new housing benefit scheme , the Government began operating a policy of significantly increasing the level of council house rents , and a threefold increase has occurred in the nine years since 1979 ( House of Commons Library Note , 19 July 1988 ) .
15 Indeed it may be a symbolic irony that the implementation of the NHS and Community Care Act has occurred in the European Year of Older People .
16 One of the lessons of the conflict for our own policy makers is that , as a result of these advances , a major step forward has occurred in the apparent effectiveness of defensive weapons systems .
17 Again as has occurred in the developing countries , the reduction of their former isolation by modern transport and communications has brought new problems , most notably the outflow of young and active people , and the disruption of traditional cultures .
18 Rural depopulation has occurred in the past century and a half , and will continue in the future , because of declining employment opportunities in the countryside .
19 That comparison is exagerrated by the enormous increase in world trade which has occurred in the post-war period , and which has largely by-passed the Eastern European countries .
20 As an established discipline , however , sociology is a relatively new arrival on the academic scene , and the real expansion in its popularity has occurred in the post-war period .
21 The explosion of knowledge , skills and ideas , which has occurred in the last half century makes any mapping to some extent arbitrary .
22 IBM Corp says its Personal Computer Co shipped 30% to 35% more personal computers in the first quarter than it did during the year-ago period , and vice-chairman Jack Kuehler expects it to be ‘ reasonably profitable ’ in 1993 — but the personal computer business is now so volatile that making forecasts more than a quarter ahead is a mug 's game : following Conner Peripherals Inc 's warning on Friday that it is seeing oversupply and soft demand for disk drives ( CI No 2,142 ) , observers are saying that grey market prices for 80486s are now weak ; Finis Conner said on Friday that Conner would have to slash production and payrolls in the months ahead to remain competitive — ‘ The market is in total disarray , ’ he said ; ‘ the pricing that has occurred in the last four to five days has been something I 've never seen believes the booming personal computer industry is showing signs of slowing after being fuelled for over two years by the price war .
23 We certainly can not bank on the 49 per cent increase in the size of the Bar which has occurred in the last 10 years .
24 An even greater sustained impact on productivity has occurred amongst the thousands of small farmers in the former reserve areas of Zimbabwe .
25 ‘ A vacancy having occurred in the medical department of the Infirmary at Bedford in consequence of the resignation of Dr. Yates ( sic ) I have been induced to turn my professional views towards that place .
26 Darlington argues persuasively that Marx believed the process of evolution to be by direct Lamarkian and not by indirect Darwinian , or selective means : that is to say , that the environment in which individuals found themselves operated directly upon them to adjust them to it and that the adjustments were transmitted by them to the next generation ; and not that , fortuitous mutations having occurred in the genetic package , they would when favourable equip the mutant for greater success in the given environment than the unmutated form could achieve .
27 He was just pointing out little do 's and don't 's that might not have occurred to the eager amateur .
28 Currently there is concern that accelerated rates of scrappings of industrial assets , which may have occurred in the economic and financial conditions of recent years , could have distorted the valuation of Britain 's capital stock .
29 This may have occurred in the western Pacific Ocean where the age of the lithosphere presently being subducted indicates that cooling over a period of about 180 200 Ma is required for this process of spontaneous subduction to occur .
30 Astronomical evidence suggests that this may have occurred in the first half of the year 5 BC .
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