Example sentences of "[verb] refused [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps no player has ever been quite as competitive as Botham , and if his combativeness has led him into trouble off the field it has generally worked in his favour on it — except when he has refused to part with the ball despite not bowling well , or when he has holed out in the deep when a more circumspect approach was required .
2 In Sudan President Omar el Bashir 's government has refused to admit to the famine , declaring only a ‘ temporary food gap ’ of 75,000 tonnes .
3 British Rail Engineering has refused to comment on the award .
4 And a pre-school play scheme called the Dove Project has refused to operate from the site after their Portacabin was badly vandalised .
5 Many teachers were simply not available at the time we visited and some who were approached refused to go through the questionnaire with us .
6 She 'd gone and found the children and they 'd refused to come to the telephone , which had surprised her .
7 The surgeon may have refused to operate on the passenger because it was her own baby .
8 Instead , Paul , in his closing address , implicitly rebuked the Theological Commission for having refused to confer upon the Virgin Mary the title of ‘ Mother of the Church ’ in the chapter devoted to her in De Ecclesia .
9 The Quebec government ordered the Army to dismantle the barricades on Aug. 27 , having refused to accede to the Mohawks ' additional demands that they be treated as a sovereign nation during negotiations and be granted immunity from prosecution .
10 The following day Cardinal Dopfner claimed that the commission responsible for producing the schema had been too much under the influence of the Lateran University — then at odds with the Jesuits , and that the commission had refused to collaborate with the Secretariat for Promoting Unity .
11 An Englishman in the 32ème Régiment Étranger d'Infanterie in French Guyana had refused to drink with the English , had spoken French , and considered the Mafia a waste of time .
12 He had feared as much — had known the match was ill-conceived — but once more he had refused to listen to the voice within .
13 Ryan , whom the Irish government had refused to extradite to the UK in December 1988 , was wanted there on charges of conspiracy relating to alleged acts of IRA terrorism [ see pp. 36492 ; 37013 ; 37099 ] .
14 Sarah had refused to go to the wedding .
15 The party , which had been formed in 1981 , had won only three seats in the 1987 general election but a rump led by David Owen had refused to merge with the Liberals in January 1988 [ see p. 36501 ] , and had performed poorly in the local elections in May 1991 .
16 Lithuania 's President Vytautas Landsbergis attended for the first time on June 12 a meeting of the USSR Council of the Federation , comprising the Presidents of the 15 union republics ( previously he had refused to participate on the grounds that he was the head of a foreign state ) .
17 Although the FIS had refused to participate in the conference without prior acceptance of its demands , which included the release of FIS leaders arrested in June [ see p. 38312 ] , it was understood that channels of communication between the government and the FIS had remained open .
18 With the re-emergence of the UGT from its period of relative inactivity during Francoism ( it had refused to participate in the vertical union system ) , the ideological divisions between the two unions became an important feature of the post-1975 Spanish labour movement .
19 In both the cases joined in this second preliminary reference the employee had refused to transfer to the transferee employer .
20 The term of the outgoing president , Khristos Sartzetakis , had expired on March 30 , but Karamanlis had refused to stand as the candidate of New Democracy earlier in the year .
21 Of the other candidates , Funar was mayor of Cluj-Napoca where he was known for anti-Hungarian measures [ see p. 38922 ] ; Dragomir had been chosen as NSF candidate on July 25 after Petre Roman , former Prime Minister and leader of the reformist NSF [ see p. 38881 ] had refused to stand for the presidency ; Manzatu , a professor and founder of the Republican Party ( RP ) , was formerly connected with the Ceausescu leadership ; and Druc , formerly Prime Minister of Moldova , campaigned solely on the unification issue .
22 On Aug. 18 Nguza , who had refused to stand in the election , warned that Shaba , his home province , would not accept Tshisekedi 's authority .
23 The Independent of Nov. 16 reported that NATO 's Secretary-General , Manfred Wörner , had refused to comment on the existence of secret networks , saying that they were a security matter .
24 The PLO had refused to comply with the demands of the Lebanese government to disarm its forces based in southern Lebanon , claiming that they constituted an army and not a militia [ ibid . ] .
25 She had refused to stay in the vast Sandringham House itself but the Queen offered her nearby Wood Farm .
26 The successful candidate had been imposed by the Labour Party nationally after it had refused to place on the selection short-list the locally preferred nominee , Ken Capstick , who was a close associate of Arthur Scargill , president of the National Union of Mineworkers .
27 In the United Kingdom courts have refused to adjudicate upon the validity of Acts of Parliament , but they have developed the doctrine of judicial review by which the exercise of power by other authorities may be reviewed in the courts .
28 5.1 Although the jobs for staff at this level are now multifunctional and therefore more complex management have refused to move on the current gradings .
29 It would appear , therefore , that the only hope of support from any local council might , and it 's a big might , come from Castlereagh who have refused to move in the past because of the failure of Ards to make any positive move towards the point .
30 Many soldiers would prefer to be fighting a ‘ real ’ war against armed guerrillas in south Lebanon , but no more than 95 men , mostly reservists , have refused to serve beyond the pre-1967 green line .
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