Example sentences of "[verb] at the outset [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the fact that the explanation or defence could , if true , have been disclosed at the outset and despite the advantage which the defendant has gained by these tactics , no comment may be made to the jury to that effect .
2 However , it must be stressed at the outset that we can do no more here than to indicate the basic principles involved , and give illustrations of a few of the almost innumerable variants of basic methods that exist .
3 It should be stressed at the outset that maintaining that large companies are social enterprises involves no necessary finding that the root principle beneath the current rules of company law , that companies exist to make profits for the benefit of shareholders , is unsatisfactory .
4 It must be stressed at the outset that correct identification is the chief problem .
5 It has to be stressed at the outset that all sites provided some level of economic servicing , which will have originated in several ways .
6 It is a good idea to know at the outset whether the members of the critical mass will be willing and able to respond appropriately to the change ; then , if it is determined that certain members are unwilling or unable , that situation can be planned for and dealt with .
7 Nevertheless , clauses 9.1 and 9.2 are dangerous as a tenant will prefer to know at the outset whether any defects affect the premises and the tenant 's solicitor should amend them as follows :
8 For now the point is that the drafter needs to know at the outset whether any of the business 's customers will fall within the definition of " consumer " : if so , care must be taken in drafting clauses excluding or limiting liability .
9 The inevitability of partners leaving the firm for one reason or another is a matter which must be addressed at the outset when considering the terms of the partnership agreement .
10 Eighteenth-century politics have long had an unsavoury reputation , and although in the case of Scotland much of that reputation can be traced to the persuasive , but not strictly accurate , writings of Henry Cockburn and other Whig reformers of the early nineteenth century , it must be conceded at the outset that there is something to be said for the received account .
11 The speakers have chosen their own topics , based on their own interests and enthusiasms , and it is important that they convey their zest for the subject to an audience , preferably establishing at the outset that the subject deserves the audience 's attention .
12 It is perhaps as well to remember at the outset that the main injury in this particular case was a hip injury which , if it had occurred to a younger man , would have produced an arthrodesis operation .
13 It should be said at the outset that this is not the usual legal meaning of the word .
14 But it should be said at the outset that none of the terms ‘ check ’ , ‘ control ’ or ‘ render accountable ’ has a single clear meaning : there are several ways of checking and controlling and several types of accountability .
15 On the other hand , despite the tone of much of the political debate in the United Kingdom , it should be said at the outset that questions such as the transfer of powers ( or sovereignty ) to the Community , the direct application and direct effect of Community law , and the correlative theory of the primacy of such provisions of Community law when they conflict with provisions of national law , were all established aspects of Community law when we joined in 1973 , and are not new problems relating to Maastricht .
16 It can not be said at the outset that it is impossible for the contract to be carried out .
17 We should acknowledge at the outset that there may be many cases ( like that illustrated in Fig. 3.1 ) in which presentation of a given stimulus has been shown to result in both latent inhibition and the habituation of a UR .
18 When you have practised the exercises for two or three weeks , go back to the two pages you read at the outset and time yourself as you read them again .
19 I should clarify at the outset that the vendors have retained us to seek offers for a single package comprising 100% of the share capital of [ name ] together with five additional freehold property investments .
20 It is not defined how an opportunity should be used , nor can the head or the teacher know at the outset whether any development or new insight will emerge .
21 We considered that he ought to have taken these points during the hearing itself and , in so far as they were of a technical procedural nature , he had waived his right to advance them because he was content to allow the full two-day hearing to take place without complaining at the outset that he had been prejudiced by short notice of the hearing or by any procedural irregularity in the way the preliminary issue had been brought before the court .
22 Holding the cow 's tail he leaned on the hairy back and , empty-eyed , blew smoke from the pipe which like most farmers at a cleansing he had prudently lit at the outset And of course , since the going was heavy , it just would happen that the job took much longer than usual .
23 It seems worth stating at the outset that there are two ways geographical research in this general area can proceed .
24 Hence the need to stress at the outset that Nizan 's adult development can be correctly understood only as a deep involvement in the communist party , a process of attraction-repulsion in which Nizan was both deeply committed to and deeply compromised by the party itself .
25 With a concrete pool it has to be appreciated at the outset that the excavation is going to be considerably larger than the finished pool , for room must be allowed for the layer of concrete .
26 Let us note at the outset that Bourdieu 's anti-structuralism is vastly different from other such critiques .
27 It is therefore important to understand at the outset that anything communicated to members of the professional staff will be treated as confidential .
28 We find at the outset that bare words of promise do not so operate .
29 And I would urge all intending applicants to give very serious thought to what sort of person they are , to what their real academics interests are , and to what sort of institution they want to attend , and to recognise at the outset that that can not be gleaned from any one compendium or any one adviser .
30 It should be emphasised at the outset that this is an assumption , not an empirically established or necessary truth : what theory dictates should happen in a state of perfect competition may not occur in real , imperfect markets .
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