Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] low rate " in BNC.

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1 Would this lead to the principle of differentiation being accepted but used for different purposes , so that the goals of interest groups , rather than social welfare , dictate which commodities are taxed at a lower rate ?
2 Official figures out yesterday indicated that British consumers saved at the lowest rate for 31 years while living standards actually declined 0.6 per cent between the first and second quarters of the year .
3 Although VAT was levied at a lower rate than GST — 10 per cent compared with 13 per cent — it was applied to a wider range of goods .
4 In these circumstances , it is not surprising to find that population loss from inner areas has been running at a lower rate in the 1980s and that the government 's efforts at introducing more private investment have met with some measure of success .
5 Thirty-five years Stamp Duty is charged at a lower rate if the term does not exceed thirty-five years ( Stamp Act 1891 , Sched 1 as amended ) .
6 Where work can be done by a less senior collegue it will be charged at a lower rate .
7 Stamp Duty is charged at the lowest rate for a term not exceeding seven years ( Stamp Act 1891 , Sched 1 , as amended ) .
8 In either case , the work will probably be re-let at a lower rate , thus providing a profit or administration surcharge for the original sub-contractor .
9 There are indications that the US trade deficit is increasing at a lower rate , and that inter-governmental cooperation has contributed to an orderly decline in the dollar 's foreign exchange value .
10 We 'll make the poor Weavers work at a low rate ; We 'll find fault where there 's no fault , and so we will bate ; If trading goes dead , we will presently show it ; But if it grows bad , they shall never know it ; We 'll tell them that cloth beyond sea will not go , We care not whether we keep clothing or no .
11 Attendance Allowance is paid at a lower rate to people who require personal care or attention by day or night , and at a higher rate to those requiring care by day and night .
12 Moreover , unemployment benefit is paid at a lower rate , and , for a married couple , is valued at only 54 per cent of the level of the pension paid to a retired couple .
13 In the private service sector , where trade unions are less active , temporary workers often do not receive the same level of fringe benefits as permanent workers ; and in some organisations and industries they are paid at a lower rate — for example the statutory minimum rather than a higher , collectively bargained rate — than are comparable permanent workers [ see Chapter 7 ] .
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