Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] earlier stage " in BNC.

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1 This means that the extra payments received for overtime beyond the scheduled week are earned at an earlier stage in large firms .
2 The select committees , in contrast , were to be investigating bodies where policy issues were not of first importance , the principal task being to find out what was happening inside the various government departments , to inform the House and the public , thus bringing public opinion to bear at an earlier stage while policy was still relatively fluid .
3 This enabled them once again to draw up a profile of those high-risk subjects who developed schizophrenia , which turned out to be similar to that reported at an earlier stage of the research .
4 In SPAR , however , reference resolution is able to overturn any preferences applied at an earlier stage .
5 Mr Saunders goes on to admit that broadcasters are not entirely blameless in this respect : ‘ More should no doubt have been done at an earlier stage in development of RDS to give the receiver manufacturing industry some guidelines setting out the minimum levels of RDS performance that should be achieved ’ .
6 I have a streak of economy in me , even when contemplating how to épater les bourgeois , and recipes that make their sauce out of a stock made at an earlier stage tend to appeal most .
7 As he knows , the decision made at an earlier stage not to complete the slip road was considered to be ludicrous .
8 Challenges on this ground can be made at an earlier stage in the reference by a construction summons , which is a procedure by which a party who disputes the meaning of a document can apply to the court for a ruling .
9 Agencies ' reports will thus provide information on both the financial and operational performance of the activities they cover at an earlier stage than is possible in departmental reports .
10 More recent histopathological and microvascular studies suggest that vascular involvement may occur at an earlier stage and play a more important role in the disease process than had previously been supposed .
11 The epithets " naughty " and " dirty " arise , perhaps reinforcing terms used at an earlier stage as regards the eliminatory functions or inadvertent sexual display .
12 any authorised deductions should have occurred at an earlier stage than when the trustees received the monies ; when the monies came to the trust they had " come home " ; and 2. there was no heading under which the deduction could be made .
13 Precisely this question was raised at an earlier stage in our discussions , and I pointed out then that the Government had not come clean at all on the issue of freight and what would happen to freight .
14 However , it has been argued that certain clauses operate at an earlier stage so as to define and restrict the extent of the contractual obligation undertaken and so prevent there being any breach of contract .
15 use animals , and then go onto to work using animals , and erm you know , if maybe alternative techniques were introduced at an earlier stage , maybe in their training , they 'd be more likely to them on board .
16 The Commandment anticipates The Form but is less comprehensive in its analysis , whereas in Ego Dormio although he does not borrow Victorine terminology for his analysis , he nevertheless outlines a growth in religious experience similar to that in The Form but starting at an earlier stage in religious life .
17 I was quite interested in that actually because you you did imply at an earlier stage that er although seniority was the the important principle in ge in gaining promotion , er there was no harm done if in your favour you know .
18 She said : " I felt at an earlier stage there were enough moderate Africans who could have taken their place alongside whites in government and there would have been much more evolution towards African leadership than the revolution that came about in the end .
19 I am not convinced that even in theory this is an accurate reflection of section 2 , for I think it possible that in many cases the investigation will have concluded at an earlier stage .
20 This friend suggested that there might be something which had happened at an earlier stage in Kirsty 's life which was causing her health to deteriorate now .
21 Ageing machinery that opens or teases wool , a ‘ fearnought ’ , has also been moved away from the blend bins and a new one inserted at an earlier stage of production .
22 Others intercede at an earlier stage , working along the routes that the municipal trucks take .
23 Thus unacceptable strings could be rejected at an earlier stage , leaving fewer for the lexical look-up to check .
24 You said at an earlier stage in this conversation erm that it 's always the defeated parties who are blamed for starting wars .
25 In other chairs the arm is integral to the front and back legs , and must be fitted at an earlier stage .
26 The other safeguard arises at an earlier stage of the proceedings , and provides an additional protection for persons who are abroad and not able to be served with proceedings in this country in the usual way .
27 Tax paid at an earlier stage is deducted to produce the net tax due at each stage .
28 K-ras gene mutations , by contrast with p53 , clearly occur at an earlier stage in the neoplastic sequence .
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