Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [indef pn] but the " in BNC.

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1 I no longer cared about anything but the sexual charge passing between us .
2 Zborowski supplied the charcoal , paints , canvas , and brushes ; he also hired the models ( Modigliani insisted that they must be paid three to five francs an hour ) and any accessories , although the painter rarely asked for anything but the human figure for his work .
3 And thins to nothing but the wish I made
4 Soon the seascape seemed to be occupied by nothing but the two great ships clamped together , with a web of men and weapons passing glittering from the one to the other .
5 He should be grappling with the problem of how to stay alive , but instead could think of nothing but the problem of Jess .
6 He paused , seeking a modest answer , but could think of nothing but the truth .
7 Robbie could think of nothing but the deep growing ache around which every sense seemed focused .
8 ‘ Sir , surely you do not expect Dinah to spend all her days as a spinster , living for nothing but the stage ?
9 Neither came of anything but the most commonplace , workaday material ; yet each hid an adventurous spirit and surprising resources beneath her utilitarian exterior .
10 On Friday 1 September the customers in the shop talked of nothing but the news that German troops had invaded Poland at five o'clock in the morning .
11 The atmosphere consisted of nothing but the noxious fumes of burnt bodies : the recyclers could n't cope .
12 The main task is to establish the nature of the tragic chorus , since it is clear from the ancient tradition that tragedy originated in the chorus and once consisted of nothing but the chorus .
13 Speaking from London at the announcement of record profits for the Birkenhead-based firm , he said : ‘ We are not rushing at anything but the question must be asked what do we do with our cash balances .
14 She suddenly felt the need to ride , to gallop at speed , her face into the wind and her mind filled with nothing but the rhythm of her mount .
15 The next day no one talked of anything but the armistice , speculating on what was going to happen .
16 For the rest of the evening , I thought of nothing but the stranger on the marshes .
17 One must hope for that ; the present position was Mrs Gracie 's fault , and had led to nothing but the discovery of passion .
18 ‘ I hope you get bloody herpes , ’ she shouted — rather an old-fashioned shout in Oxford in 1988 , when the younger dons were talking about nothing but the case of AIDS in Merton .
19 That is why he spent as much time as he possibly could outside the ring , talking about anything but the council tax .
20 She laughed delightedly , too happy to care about anything but the fact that her trip had brought her an undreamed-of surprise .
21 Then I think of nothing but the sky .
22 His recipes could never be mistaken for anything but the recipes of an educated Frenchman .
23 The only sensation he could equate it with was that remoteness that comes during a long run , when the lines of the play get delivered every night , but the actor 's mind is miles away , thinking about anything but the performance he is giving .
24 I ca n't put it off , I do n't care for anything but the work ; that is to say , the pleasure in something else ceases at once , and I become melancholic when I ca n't go on with my work . ’
25 I wished for nothing but the absence of pain , and Lili seemed beyond harm : as secure and unassailable as the morning-star .
26 Of course , a good half of the population is still barred from anything but the most humble roles .
27 Most doubters either think they have grace or care for nothing but the day itself .
28 The Shipping Federation was well informed on everything but the date of the proposed strike , which was set for I4 June 1911 .
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